Herbal medicine
Your Green Ally - 3 CD set
Susun Weed at Green Nations Gathering 2010
Time: 200 minutes.
Your green ally is the keeper of the mysteries of the green nations. Your green ally is a guide and a translator for you as you explore the magic of herbal medicine from the heart. Your green ally is a friend and a mentor, a touchstone and a security blanket. We will touch briefly on finding a green ally, but most of our time will be spent using shamanic trances to learn how to use the flowers, leaves, and roots of any green ally.
Price: $30.00 plus shipping
Shamanic Weed Walk - 2 CD set
Susun Weed at Green Nations Gathering 2001
Time: CD1/70:28 min. & CD2/37:54 min.
Learn to distinguish the uses of plants by their tastes. Using the Medicine Wheel, Susun tells you how sweet, bland, salty, sour, bitter, pungent, and aromatic flavors in herbs effect our bodies and communicate plant wisdom. The class is partly in the classroom and partly in the field.
Price: $22.50 plus shipping
Talking With Plants - 2 CD set
Susun Weed at Omega 1983
Time: CD1/45:35 min. & CD2/43:49 min.
Learn the language of plants. Through form, color, texture, taste, smell, and location plants tell us if they are edible or medicinal, poisonous or pleasant neighbors. Susun's clear simple teachings give you the ability to learn directly from the plants how to use them.
Price: $22.50 plus shipping
Herbal Medicine as a Subversive Act - 2 CD set
Susun Weed at Green Nations Gathering 2003
Time: CD1/61:50 min. & CD2/24:07 min.
Herbal medicine is people's medicine. In a time and a place when people feel disempowered about their own health herbalist Susun Weed encourages us to return to Nature for simple, successful remedies that put health care back in our own hands. Spend less, consume less, visit the doctor less and be amazingly healthy. That's subversive ;-)
Price: $22.50 plus shipping
Menopause from Three Directions - 2 CD set
Susun Weed at Green Nations Gathering 1996
Time: CD1/49:54 min. & CD2/42:45 min.
Science says menopause is ovarian failure, leading to diseases caused by lack of estrogen. The Heroic or Alternative Medicine view is that menopausal symptoms are caused by underlying imbalances. The Wise Woman prespective reveals menopause as a natural and healthy change.
Price: $22.50 plus shipping
Amazing Artemisias - 2 CD Set
Susun S Weed - 7th International Herb Symposium 2005
(Length - 1 Hour/40 Minutes) - $22.50
Goddess of the herbalist ~ gives her name to a genus of marvelously aromatic, safely psychedelic, highly medicinal, dazzlingly decorative, and more-or-less edible plants. We’ll take a shamanic journey into Artemis’s sacred woods, then discuss some of the uses (and abuses) of cronewort (A. vulgaris), wormwood (A. absinthium), sweet Annie (A.annua), tarragon (A. drancuncula), and southernwood (A. abrotanum).
Price: $22.50 plus shipping
Elements of Herbalism: Dosage - 3 CD set
Susun Weed at Green Nations 2006
3 CD set (CD1/57 min., CD2/60 min., CD3/48 min.)
Dosing is the most idocyncratic part of herbal medicine. This talk covers the effects of small and large doses of infusions, teas, tinctures, vinegars, honeys, and oils. Also energetic and physiologic aspects of doses.
Price: $30 plus shipping
Elements of Herbalism: Harvesting - 2 CD set
Susun Weed lecture Green Nations 2008
2 CD set (CD1/54 min & CD2/65 min)
Ethical wildcrafting and harvesting instructions for all plant parts, including leaves, roots, flowers, seeds, and bark of all annuals, bienneials, and perrenials.
Price: $22.50 plus shipping
From Baba Yaga's Bag - 2 CD Set
Susun S Weed - 8th International Herb Symposium 2007
(Length - 1 Hour/35 Minutes) - $22.50
The Russian witch Baba Yaga has brown-stained fingernails and a house that dances ecstatically; she rides about in a mortar, which she rows with a pestle. Sounds like an herbalist to me! Come, learn more about Baba Yaga and enjoy her stories about sassafras and witch hazel, cronewort and motherwort. There will songs and special surprises in Baba Yaga’s Bag, too.
Price: $22.50 plus shipping
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Healing Wise CD Set A - 6 CD set
Includes the Three Traditions of Healing (SET A)
Susun Weed reads aloud - just for you - her alternative medicine classic Healing Wise. Her wise observations and warm voice add special savor to a rich and satisfying feast of ideas about health and healing.
6 CD's; 5hrs, 33min
Price: $49.95
HEALING WISE on audio CD -- read aloud by Susun Weed!!
Healing Wise CD Set B - 5 CD set
Includes Chickweed, Dandelion, Burdock, Nettles (SET B)
Susun Weed reads aloud - just for you - her alternative medicine classic Healing Wise. Her wise observations and warm voice add special savor to a rich and satisfying feast of ideas about health and healing.
Price: $49.95
HEALING WISE on audio CD -- read aloud by Susun Weed!!
Healing Wise CD Set C - 5 CD set
Includes Oatstraw, Seaweed, Violet, Herbal Pharmacy, Making Medicines (SET C)
Susun Weed reads aloud - just for you - her alternative medicine classic Healing Wise. Her wise observations and warm voice add special savor to a rich and satisfying feast of ideas about health and healing.
Price: $49.95
HEALING WISE on audio CD -- read aloud by Susun Weed!!
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Magical Plants INTENSIVE - 3 CD set
Susun Weed at Green Nations Gathering 1997
Fairies and devas. Herbs for dream pillows, flying oils, love potions, third-eye opening tincture, mojo bags, and protections. Psychoactive herbs, including marijuana, magic mushrooms, peyote, more. Using power plants. Maria Sabina. Recommended.
Price: $30.00 plus shipping
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My Ally Motherwort - 2 CD set
Susun Weed at Green Nations 2006
(CD1/76 min., CD 2/52 min)
All the facts and some fun too: identification, botany, culture, preparation, uses, and a trance to visit with motherwort and learn directly from her.
Price: $22.50 plus shipping
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My Friend, My Ally, Hypericum - 2 CD set
Susun Weed at Green Nations Gathering 2000
Absolutely everything you need to know to use my favorite herb: identification, harvesting, preparation, doses, and indications. Includes a shamanic trance to St. Joan's wort in the field.
Price: $22.50 plus shipping
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My Herbal Medicine Chest - 3 CD set
Susun Weed at Green Nations Gathering 1998
Here are the remedies I never leave home without. How I use them and why I use them. Includes specific information on echinacea, poke root, motherwort, skullcap, St. Joan's wort, wormwood, plantain, and more. Recommended.
Price: $30.00 plus shipping
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Nourishing Infusions, Medicinal Vinegars - 2 CD set
Susun Weed at Green Nations Gathering 2000
Nothing improves health faster and more firmly than regular use of nourishing herbal infusions and medicinal vinegars. Includes information on stinging nettle, oatstraw, comfrey leaf, red clover, linden, and aromatic mints. Recommended.
Price: $22.50 plus shipping
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Nutritive and Tonic Herbs - 2 CD Set
Susun S Weed - 8th International Herb Symposium 2007
(Length - 1 Hour/11 Minutes) - $22.50
But nourishing and tonifying herbs are often overlooked in favor of more dramatic, faster-acting stimulating and sedating herbs. Can stinging nettle, oatstraw, comfrey leaf, linden flower, red clover blossoms, burdock, chickweed and dandelion really replace supplements? How come I call them nutrition powerhouses?
Price: $22.50 plus shipping
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Phytoestrogens: Friend or Foe? - 2 CD Set
Susun S Weed - 6th International Herb Symposium 2002
(Length - 1 Hour/13 Minutes) - $22.50
Hormones are hot and herbal hormones are blazing: with products claiming to ease menopausal symptoms, increase breast size and super charge your libido. Are they safe? Are they effective? What do we know? What do we need to know about soy, flax, wild yam, red clover and other "hormonal herbs?"
Price: $22.50 plus shipping
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Rowdy Fun with Plant Families - 2 CD set
Green Nations Gathering 2003
Get on the fast track with herbal medicine by learning the plant families.
Price: $22.50 plus shipping
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Seven Medicines - 2 CD Set
Susun S Weed - American Herbalists Guild Symposium 2004
(Length - 1 Hour/32 Minutes)- $22.50
Herbal medicine is but one piece in the big picture of health care. It is one of the Seven Medicines: story medicine, energy medicine, lifestyle medicine, herbal medicine, pharmaceutical medicine and high-tech medicine. Understanding the differences between nourishing, tonifying, and stimulating herbs can make our practices safer, easier, more successful and fun.
Price: $22.50 plus shipping
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The Spirit of Simples - 1 CD
Susun S Weed - American Herbalists Guild 2004 Symposium
(Length - 1 Hour/18 Minutes) - $12.50
Simples have many ways of being more effective than combinations, not the least of which is the power they put into the hands of the patient. Join Susun as she shares her experiences and beliefs about the primacy of simples in herbal medicine.
Price: $12.50 plus shipping
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Using Herbs Simply and Safely - 2 CD Set
Susun S Weed – HerbFest 2000
(Length - 1 Hour/50 Minutes) - $22.50
Susun Weed discusses homeopathy, allopathy and simplifies and categorizes herbs into four groups for safe use.Are herbs natural and therefore safe? Or are herbs really drugs in green guise and therefore dangerous? Are standardized extracts safer? Are combinations of herbs necessary? What about homeopathy? Whether your interest in herbs is new or well-seasoned, this talk will help you understand how to get the most out of herbal medicine -- with the least risk.
Price: $22.50 plus shipping
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Weeds in Your Garden? Bite Back! - 1 CD
Susun Weed - 3rd Annual Herb Business Winter Conference 1998
(Length - 1 Hour/11 Minutes) - $12.50
What do you do with the weeds in your garden? Herbalist Susun S. Weed turns them into medicines and gourmet foods. So can you! It's easy, simple, safe, free, and fun. If you are intriguied with herbs, curious about herbal medicine, or just looking for a way to get even with those weeds, join us for an entertaining session filled with practical information and a pinch of green magic.
Price: $12.50 plus shipping
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Womens Health
Ovation for the Ovary- 1 CD
Susun Weed at Green Nations Gathering 2010
Time: 80 minutes
Our ovaries are storehouses of stories. They are the libraries of the wisdom of the Ancients. We have fallen so out of touch with them that we allow surgeons to cut them out far too often. Join me as we learn how to cope with ovarian pain, melt away ovarian cysts, help women with PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome), and prevent ovarian cancer. With knowledge – and a few songs to sing – we can keep our ovaries.
Price: $12.50 plus shipping
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Optimum Nutrition the Wise Woman Way- 3 CDset
Susun Weed at Green Nations Gathering 1996
Time: CD1/71:09 min. & CD2/73:56 min. & CD3/60:56 min
Simple secrets of optium nutrition, beyond rules, beyond heroics. How find, choose, prepare, and consume nutrient-dense foods that build vitality, joy, and superior health. Follow digestion from start to finish, encounter the mysterious cell wall, and marvel at the microbes that feed you. Health-negative effects of vitamin/mineral supplements, problems with sprouts and juices, long-term difficulties caused by low fat, vegan, macrobiotic, and raw food diets.
Price: $30.00 plus shipping
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Herbal Healing For Women - 2 CD set
Susun Weed at Green Nations Gathering 1996
Time: CD1/57:47 min. & CD2/53:22 min.
From Menstrual cramps to menopause with a focus on fibroids and endometriosis, this session includes lots of information about diet, herbs, and home remedies. Includes flax, healthy fats, motherwort, cronewort, poke, and lots more.
Price: $22.50 plus shipping
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Menopause from Three Directions - 2 CD set
Susun Weed at Green Nations Gathering 1996
Time: CD1/49:54 min. & CD2/42:45 min.
Science says menopause is ovarian failure, leading to diseases caused by lack of estrogen. The Heroic or Alternative Medicine view is that menopausal symptoms are caused by underlying imbalances. The Wise Woman prespective reveals menopause as a natural and healthy change.
Price: $22.50 plus shipping
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New Menopausal Years - The Wise Woman Way - 2 CD set
Susun Weed at Green Nations Gathering 1993
Time: CD1/58:53 min. & CD2/49:28 min
Susun Weed at Green Nations Gathering 1993 - Susun pulls out her braided cord and tells the stories of maiden, mother, and crone. Then she unfolds the passage from mother to crone: menopause. As viewed by the Wise Woman, this Change is one of power. Isolation, meltdown, and re-emergence are discussed, along with herbal remedies to ease your way. Stay hale-hearted, strong-boned, and juicy the Wise Woman Way.
Price: $22.50 plus shipping
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Chronic Problems the Wise Woman Way - 2 CD set
Susun Weed at Green Nations Gathering 1997
Brief overview of the Three Traditions of Healing. Includes consultations as well as effective ways of dealing with asthma, allergies, arthritis, shingles, headaches, back pain, cysts, chronic fatigue, and candida overgrowth. Recommended.
Price: $22.50 plus shipping
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Healthy Bones The Wise Woman Way - 2 CD set
Susun Weed at Green Nations Gathering 1998
Herbs and other ideas for keeping bones strong and reversing osteoporosis. Why dense bones may not be healthy. Building strong bones means building flexible bones.
Price: $22.50 plus shipping
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Herbal Mouth Care The Wise Woman Way - 2 CD set
Susun Weed at Green Nations Gathering 1997
Everything I know about keeping your gums and teeth healthy and reversing dental disease.
Price: $22.50 plus shipping
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Menopause, Phytoestrogens and Breast Health - 2 CD Set
Susun S Weed - 7th International Herb Symposium 2005
(Length - 1 Hour/57 Minutes)- $22.50
Expose the common myths about menopause and hormones. Straight talk about phytoestrogenic herbs. Are they the best herbs to use when a menopausal woman wants treatment? Do they promote health? Are progesterone creams safe? Should we be concerned about scientific research that shows some estrogenic herbs, including soy and black cohosh, correlate with breast cancer. Find the best way through the menopausal maze.
Price: $22.50 plus shipping
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New Menopausal Years CD set (Audio Version)
NEW!! ON SALE!!! 14 CD audio book set
New Menopausal Years the Wise Woman Way
read aloud by Susun S. Weed
Price: $89.50 plus shipping
Spirit & Practice of the Wise Woman Tradition
Live talk by Susun Weed
2 CD set - 2 hour presentation
A Treasure Chest of Easy. Inexpensive, Delightful Ways to: have more energy, be free from pain, nourish yourself without supplements, use herbs to maximize health and minimize risk.
Price: $18.00 plus shipping
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Triple Goddess Herbs - 1 CD
Susun Weed at Women’s Herbal Conference 2007
Great information on Cronewort (mugwort), the old woman's friend. Motherwort, every stressed woman's allly. And Maidenwort (chickweed), dissolver of cysts and delight of many. 1 CD (80 min)
Price: $12.50 plus shipping
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The Cervix: Gateway to Life - 1 CD
Susun Weed at Women’s Herbal Conference 2007
Covers healthy cervix and cervical distresses, including PAP smears, HPV infections and treatments, and lots more. 1 CD (80 min)
Price: $12.50 plus shipping
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Women, Witches, and Weeds - 4 CD set
Susun Weed at Green Nations Gathering 2000
A brief history of woman as healer, woman as herbalist, woman as keep of the wisdom.
Price: $38.00 plus shipping
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Focus on Fertility - 2 CD Set
Susun S Weed - International Herb Symposium 2006
(Length - 1 Hour/28 Minutes) - $22.50
Women have relied on herbs to help them conceive, maintain precarious pregnancies, and space their children from the earliest times. Although much of this wisdom has been lost, there remains a body of tried and true plants that powerfully influence our fertility. This presentation will focus on herbal helpers for women who have difficulties beginning or maintaining a pregnancy as well as herbs that can be used as birth control. We will also, time permitting, look at the pros and cons of herbal abortion.
Price: $22.50 plus shipping
The Spirit and Practice of Wise Woman Way
- 3 CD set
Susun Weed at Green Nations Gathering 2008
Time: CD1/73:19 min. & CD2/78:40 min. & CD3/74:51 min.
If you think there's a choice between orthodox medicine and alternative treatments, think again. When you learn to recognize the three traditions of healing -- Scientific, Heroic, and Wise Woman -- you will discover the striking similarities between the MD and the ND. The invisible ways of the Wise Woman -- the oldest form of health care on the planet -- offer a dramatically different approach health and healing. Join acclaimed author Susun S. Weed for a lively session filled with stories, songs, and mind-altering facts. You'll learn how to get health care that really suits you.
Price: $30.00 plus shipping