Did you know that the average woman spends approximately $4.00 a month
on menstrual products? From the ages of 12 to 52, she would therefore
spend up to $1900 in her lifetime!
And if she is more health-conscious, her costs will go up significantly,
because very likely, she will decide to use organic cotton tampons and
pads, rather than those made from less expensive synthetic materials,
such as rayon. The reason these women choose the organic cotton versions
of these products centers around the fact that the synthetics have been
linked to potential health hazards, such as Toxic Shock Syndrome and
exposure to dioxin.
As you might imagine, the cost of organic tampons and pads is significantly
higher than the cost of non-organic disposables. In fact, these organic
disposables cost an average of $5.50 a month, with an approximate lifetime
cost of $2600!
One option that is often left out of such discussions (as well as media
programs and articles) is REUSABLE MENSTRUAL PRODUCTS. The truth is,
before tampons and throwaway menstrual pads came on the market in the
1930s, women used rags, which were kinder to the environment because
they were washable and hence, reusable. It wasn't until the '30s, and
in the years since then, that more and more women began to discover
they had cause for concern.
After all, they hadn't been considering the environment -- and it is
extremely wasteful to use a product for just a few hours and then throw
it away. According to most estimates, the average woman will use nearly
12,000 of these disposable products during her lifetime. That's quite
a lot of garbage!
Whether you flush a tampon or pad down the toilet -- even one made
from organic cotton -- or throw it in the garbage, it is going to be
problematic for the environment. If flushed down the toilet, these throwaway
products can clog the sewer line; or they can go on to play havoc with
the water treatment plant. (It has been reported that, in 9 out of 10
plumbing problems in apartment buildings, homes and offices, the culprits
are non-reusable menstrual products!)
In addition, when you throw them in the garbage, these disposables
end up in landfills, where they probably won't biodegrade for many years,
because they lack light, water and circulating air. (Did you know that
people have dug into landfills and found newspapers from 50 years earlier
that are still readable?) And experts estimate that plastic tampon applicators
may actually take 300 to 500 years to biodegrade.
So what's the answer for the frugal, environment-conscious menstruating
woman? REUSABLE MENSTRUAL PRODUCTS, of course. Unlike tampons, women
can use the earth-friendly, reusable menstrual cup, called THE KEEPER(
(www.thekeeperinc.com), made from gentle rubber (similar to the rubber
that is used to make baby bottle nipples). Besides being easy on the
environment, The Keeper is easy on the pocketbook, costing an average
of 29 cents a month for 10 years. With proper care (for instance, not
using harsh chemicals to wash it), one cup should last up to 10 years!
The Keeper is also convenient, and comes with a drawstring purse, so
it is easy to keep with you so you'll always be prepared. And since
it is made of rubber, rather than of an absorbent fibrous material,
such as rayon, it can be worn up to 12 hours before being emptied. On
heavy days, you may want to change it more often. The fact that The
Keeper is not made of rayon, or any other synthetic material, also reduces
the potential for Toxic Shock Syndrome and eliminates dioxin exposure.
(Are you aware that the FDA does not require manufacturers of tampons
or pads to list their products' ingredients in or on the box?)
But some women want a reusable - but not an insertable - menstrual
product. The answer: reusable menstrual pads, such as GladRags (www.gladrags.com),
made from organic cotton that, like The Keeper, can be used for years
and will be friendly to the environment and the pocketbook. In fact,
women should have choices -- a drawer full of several different reusable
products for various times during their periods.
For these reasons, reusable menstrual products are THE MOST ENVIRONMENT-FRIENDLY
For more information, please contact the Marketing Director of The
Keeper, Inc.,
Julia Schopick at 708-848-4788, or email her at Julia@thekeeperinc.com.
Or please visit The Keeper website at http://www.thekeeperinc.com
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