We Are Spirit and Intuition
by sHEALy
Excerpt from “Dare to Be….Intuitive”
Humans are in a uniquely promising moment of transformation.
Spiritual leaders alike are discovering more information
about this abstract theory that suggests all life forms
within the universe are a creation of this Spirit energy
that resembles human intelligence. The evidence is mounting
that Spirit energy exists throughout the entire human body
and is interconnected to the entire universe. Accessing
this energy helps you follow the voice of your inner conscience.
When you listen to this voice, you know better how to create
good relationships, careers and life circumstances.
Through intuition, your connection to Spirit-energy is available
always but your ability to focus upon this wisdom may need
practice. One means of becoming present with this energy
is allowing yourself to feel, hear and understand your own
inner wisdom without the distractions of doubt. You can
experience this lesson as you focus upon that which you
want to achieve.
As you focus your mind upon your desires, you are allowing
your intuitive wisdom to manifest into actual physical forms
and actions. Allowing desires to materialize is not a difficult
task. As you think, so you will create. A rule I live by
is “belief creates manifestations and doubt dissolves
opportunities. You must trust in your own intuitive voice
to guide you toward what is best for you. Then, believe
that you will have what you desire. Then watch manifestation
The process of trusting my intuition, believing that I will
attract my desires and then experiencing the process of
manifestation is a constant in my life. The universe is
constantly working with me helping me, through my intuition,
to see the next best step I am to take. Listening to this
universal wisdom allows my life to unfold into the scenario
that I desire. Presently, I am the host of a popular talk
radio show. The realization of a show that presents transformational
truth to others has been my dream.
As I have always had an interest in the metaphysical and
spiritual, I desired to learn and work in this field. As
I worked to achieve this goal eventually I found success
by simply allowing myself to focus upon the desires. In
the process of focusing upon my goals, I learned to ask
for what I wanted.
And while it may sound simple in nature, as I asked, the
universe answered. Then my goal became clearer. I desired
to work with the leaders in this field. And again, I simple
asked and the flow of my own desires began to manifest.
Hosting a spiritually minded radio program gives me the
opportunity to meet and ponder face-to-face with the most
influential leaders of our time. As such, my dreams have
come true. I came to realize my dreams by following a particular
intuitive path. When asking for what I wanted, I tuned into
the intuitive intelligence and then listened to what my
own inner voice told me. I trusted this intelligence and
then made choices based upon my own common sense. At times,
I did not know where my intuition or asking would lead,
but I knew I would achieve my dreams if I continued to listen
to my own desires, then ask the universe to grant me my
desires and then trust.
As you experience the thrill of having your dreams come
true, an interesting phenomenon will occur. While feeling
fulfilled, you will begin to experience an authentic relationship
with your intrinsic self. You will find new parts of yourself.
You will desire more from life.
As I achieved my own dreams, I too coveted more from life.
Living with a true connection to spirit became my new dream.
Eventually this desire aided me in obtaining my present
life and work as a spiritual healer and teacher. And eventually,
I found the means to share with others through the vehicle
of radio. For me, sharing with others is essential to living
a spiritual life. As a radio host, working with those who
travel a higher path, I am granted the means of sharing
transformations with many. Once again, my dreams have come
true. And I promise you that yours will come true as well.
You know what is best for you as most people truly know
what is best for them. The problem many have in the attempt
of creating a satisfying life is difficulty trusting their
own intuitive signals. Because you live in a society that
has not nurtured the intuitive, you may have lost direction
and motivation. You may feel confused and lack the ability
to look within your own self for answers. In this text,
you will discover that looking into your own intuitive self
allows you to know your own dreams. And, knowing your own
dreams is a first step toward creating those dreams and
then creating a joyous life and eventually spiritual enlightenment.
And you will learn through experience and exercises presented,
that how to access your own intuitive authority.
The growth of your intuition is an experiential process.
While it seems easy to know your own desires, you will find
that you have been conditioned to doubt yourself. Thus,
you will need some guidance as to how you can begin the
process of knowing this inner wisdom. Intuition speaks to
and through your human body and mind through several avenues.
You must learn to develop and understand your night dreams
and day dreams to fully hear your intuition.
During conversation, begin to take a closer look at your
you are speaking to a person who you trust, you are able
to better access and allow your own truth to come through.
And when you are the speaker, you will notice that you are
the listener too. Your body is constantly tuning into your
surroundings, even when you are speaking. In fact, it is
wise to remember that your body is always listening to the
environment which surrounds it. And, your body is always
attempting to communicate with you. All that you ever have
to do is stop and hear. Thus, you have found your intuition.
When your physical body communicates, it does so through
physical sensation. For example, if your body feels unsafe
or unheard you might experience tightness in your chest.
If your body senses fear, you might experience a sensation
of anxiety. As your body continues to experience sensations,
it speaks to you accordingly.
Other ways intuition speaks through the unconscious mind
or body may vary. A bodily reaction to a pain or pleasure
situation might act as a warning or a sensation of joy.
So, when you feel a reaction in your body, know once again
that you have found your intuition. Listen to the reactions
that fall present within your physical self and your mind
will respond appropriately.
An individual who has experienced a variety of intuitive
experiences will usually agree that intuitive insight comes
from a mixture of abstract and concrete avenues in addition
to bodily sensations. This is why intuition is often claimed
to be an emotion or even a memory-like event. As I tune
into my own intuition, I sometimes see a visual picture
in my mind, similar to that of a memory. I see color, images
and motion. As I view these visual stimuli I can at times
access intuition through audio channels. I can at times
hear a name, number or even a sentence. Because I regularly
practice connecting with this universal energy, I can see
it, hear it and use it to better my own and the lives of
(As we work to better know our chakra system, the above
information taken from my newest publication, Dare to Be…Intuitive,
will be an effective method of helping the reader and chakra
student access chakra energy.)
by sHEALy