Grandmother Moon
by Grandmother Waynonaha
Author of Voices: A Collection of Native American Stories
The pale face of Grandmother Moon slips through the sky, as night after night she watches over me while I sleep.
Her silver light makes silvery, lacey patterns on the wall, as she sends her beams through my window curtains. I watch as the delicate spider web pattern moves over the wall, and find myself spun into her magic.
I spend my mornings these days talking to the birds, which fly about my door. The two crows who come talking and share my bread keep me from being lonely. I see them perched on the branches of the old black walnut tree waiting to see what I will toss out to them for food. They scold me and talk of things that they see in the night while I sleep. These brave feathered messengers of the spirit world, the two Crows come and greet me each morning. I now know that they are warrior brothers and come to protect and help me; sent by one who remembers.
Two years ago that same black walnut tree lost her mate to a wind storm. He lay down so gently trying not to damage any homes. I heard his death cry as he was sent crashing to the Earth Mother. I went to him when he passed and offered his spirit tobacco, giving also tobacco and corn meal to his life long mate. Soon the men came and took his strong body away and there was a big hole left in the earth. I took one small twig from his body that held the story of his life and placed it on my Alter. I notice this winter that some of the old black walnut trees branches that once were locked in his branches are broken, they will in spring fall to the ground. Even if these branches that remember that touching fall, they will carry the memory and love of that soul mate forever. When they fall I will ask to take one and create a talking stick so that the love will continue to be shared in circle.
Now the grass grows and covers the scar the walnut tree left in passing. Each year wild flowers and other plants come to cover the empty space making it less noticeable. Yet I remember where he stood so strong and tall in the moon light as it touched the two trees in passing.
Locked in an embrace they stood against many storms and cast shadows across this old house from the time it was built. The remaining walnut tree still holds the memory of this land and the people who once lived and laughed here. At these times I still go out into the yard to stand in the pattern of those branches and sing to the trees that protect this home. Two great old maples still giving the sweetness of their bodies watch and listen in the light of the moon.
Grandmother Moon moves eternally in her path across the sky and in time her daughter Mother Earth comes between her and Grandfather Sun. They embrace their daughter and hold her between them for a few minutes during the eclipse of the moon as we call this moment. We Native people call it the reuniting of the Earth with her parents the Sun and the Moon. It is in this perfect moment of love that we here on this Earth feel the wonder of all creation. In these few hours the love that our Mother Earth feels from her parents is radiated into every living thing here on her earth body.
The Moon who is the mother of all things watches us during the long nights and holds our dreams in her power. She controls the water here on Earth the tides come and go according to her cycle. The plants that we place in the ground are all done on the phases of the moon.
The weather is also affected by the Moon so are the tides of our emotions and our reproduction cycles. It is in the full moon that many women gave birth, or they would have their moon cycles during the full moon. Many ceremonies and celebrations were held during the full moon, the cycles and phases of the moon affect everything here on our Mother the Earth. We sing songs to Grandmother Moon, and even call the first phase of marriage the Honey Moon.
Our children when they are born were held up on the full moon and introduced as human beings to the sky world.
We tell time and seasons by the times Grandmother Moon waxes and wanes. From time beyond this has been a constant cycle of the Earth and the seasons.
We human beings look to the sky and are always amazed at the changes and wonders of this gathering of the planets and stars that surrounds us with love.
As long as Grandmother Moon watches over me I am safe. In time she will help us all to know and understand the Great Mystery of the Universe and the original creation of life.
Love and Blessings Waynonaha
Copyright © 2007 by Waynonaha Two Worlds
All publication rights reserved.