Wise Woman Ezine with herbalist Susun Weed
November 2006
Volume 6 Number 11
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What's Inside Wise Woman Herbal Ezine this Month...


Links for You...
woman's health, women's wisdom


http://www.gatherthewomen.org/gtw/index.htm In 2002, Gather
the Women launched a small website inviting the women of the world to come together in a commitment to passionate and compassionate leadership. Within the first year, over 4,500
women from 72 countries had logged into the site and joined us in this global community. This was only the beginning of an initiative that has grown organically to include Regional Coordinators
across the U.S. and Canada, 6 Gather the Women Congresses
on 6 Continents, and more than 30 Partner Organizations representing a range of women's issues. The website now boasts more that 150 pages of information and resources, serving as a virtual hub for the rising spirit of the feminine on the planet.


http://www.globalholisticnetwork.com/ The Global Holistic Network is an exciting new concept. This site is a central portal for both practitioners of holistic therapies, and the public alike. Our mission is to provide an 'everything in one place' site. A place where visitors can educate themselves by visiting our vast articles archive, discuss, debate, and ask questions on our warm and friendly discussion forums. A super-site where people can find a therapist in their local area, and where practitioners can market their practice for a small fraction of the cost of many of today’s well known directory sites. The main aim however, is to create community and unity on a worldwide scale within the holistic health industry.



http://www.ragensart.com/ Welcome to the online fantasy art gallery featuring the newest original paintings of the Artist, Ragen Mendenhall. Ragen's artwork embraces a mystical theme, her paintings often feature beautiful fairies, mermaids, nymphs, magical creatures and ethereal spirits of nature. Here you will find whimsical depictions of enchanted fairy lands, illustrations of goddesses merging with nature and the animal world, and celestial visions that give reverence to the great beauty of our planet.

Womens health books
Visit www.wisewomanbookshop.com
Offerings for women's health and spirit healing, find:
Books, DVD's, CD's, Art Cards, and more...

http://www.mymooncards.com/ MyMoonCards are a beautiful deck of cards that teach women, in a simple and enjoyable way, about the complex changes of their bodies throughout the menstrual cycle. MyMoonCards contain educational and tracking cards for women to learn about their bodies’ changes throughout the years of fertility and menstruation, one day at a time from the first period to menopause. The Moon Cards are based on the cycles of the Moon. A Moon Calendar makes tracking your cycles easier because of the similarities between the woman’s cycle and the cycles of the Moon. Whether you are at the beginning, at the end, or in the middle of your menstrual life, MyMoonCards can help you put in perspective what is going on with your cycle.


http://www.byregion.net/ Our vision is to create a comprehensive Regional/National/International Healing Arts Directory. Our primary focus in the Healing Arts is on Holistic Practitioners, Bodyworkers, Mind-Body-Spirit Practitioners, Natural Products and Healing Services. Our Directory is divided geographically into a series of websites and divided by category within each website. We recognize that there are many ways to heal and that many factors influence the healing process. We present a selection of ideas, products, modalities etc. from which to choose.

http://resistanceisfertile.ca/ Healing the Earth is a weekly radio show that explores the connections between environmental issues and issues of colonialism, capitalism, and all other forms of oppression, while also delving in to discussions about ways in which our healing can and needs to occur. There is an emphasis on exploring the many unquestioned assumptions about life in industrial civilization and our relationships with ourselves and other species, as well as ways we can turn thought into action. Produced with love in Guelph, Ontario, the show features interviews with everyone from authors, activists, indigenous warriors, scientists, political prisoners, and more.


After Shock - from Cancer Diagnosis to Healing is a step-by-step guide by Puja Thomson to help you navigate your way after a cancer diagnosis. Puja has drawn from her personal experience of breast cancer and her training and skills as a health care professional, director of educational programs, transformational therapist, interfaith minister, and workshop leader. She is director of Roots & Wings in the Mid-Hudson Valley of New York. At the site view Table of Contents, the Introduction and reviews, as well as how to buy a copy.


Welcome to the world of fantasy art by Josephine Wall. At this site, you are invited to undertake a personal journey into the magical world of your own imagination. Visit the gallery, check out the fun stuff, and read about artist Josephine Wall.

http://www.outlawbunny.com/faerienation.html Faerie Nation is a global tribe of the Fey-touched, the mystic, the spiritual outlaw, and anyone else who wants in. A coming together of poets, clowns, and other happily mad folks, in a new celebration and cooperation. The Faerie Queen calls us home to Her, to each weave our unique magic with Her, & to join together. A tribe of Free Fey, people not bound by dogma or other limiting restrictions, who nevertheless realize the fun & necessity of tribe. Free Fey might be pagan, Christian, Buddhist … or be perfectly fine 'n' dandy WITHOUT a tradition.



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