Wise Woman Ezine with herbalist Susun Weed
November 2007
Volume 7 Number 11
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What's Inside Wise Woman Herbal Ezine this Month...


The Goddess Speaks ...
Heart Mother Crone
by Roslyne Sophia Breillat


Woman of Change
by Roslyne Sophia Breillat

She, woman, represents the heart of the earth, the hearth of the home, the fire of the heart. Her transitional cycles spiral and flow in unison with the rhythm of stars, tides, oceans, seasons.Paintings by Sandra M. StantonShe, peacekeeper, mother, lover is the jewel of the lotus, the vastness of the void that gives birth to all. When in union with the power, consciousness and beauty of the earth, she knows who she truly is.

As she passes through the initiatory phases of her life her heart potentially opens to embrace new ways of living, deeper ways of loving, gentler ways of being. Through menstruation, pregnancy, birthing, mothering she embraces her capacity for becoming more female, more real, more true to her inner rhythms and her innate intuitive knowing.

When she begins her menarche she tastes the potential for entering her power, as the blood flowing from her womb opens the portal to the mysterious depths of her feminine psyche. Throughout her menstruating and mothering phase she practises her power, as she touches deeper glimpses of its capacity to love, nurture, serve, give. During menopause she becomes this power, diving more deeply into its strength, beauty, wisdom, truth than ever before. And after menopause she is this power, she lives this power, as the very nature of her heart, her being.

During her menopausal journey, her inner realm has transmuted, transformed, deepened, potentially opening her womb, her heart, her spirit in preparation for the forthcoming years of her life. This phase traditionally begins with the approach of her second Saturn Return. As she emerges, alchemised, transmuted, purified by the flames of the menopausal abyss she receives new strength from within.

During the previous seven to ten years her body and being have innately aligned with the power of death and rebirth, as she relinquished past ways of girl, mother, lover, sister, friend. Her purpose now is to rebirth as the gentle yet powerful wisdom of Mother Earth, to live from a newly opened heart space of impersonal love.

As she embraces Saturn’s capacity to give form to this new cycle, she is entering one of the most important phases of her life. She is gathering the wise depths from her inner menopausal cave, preparing to give and live them in her outer world, her outer community. She is now emerging from the realm of her menopausal pilgrimage, from the fires of change, from the cauldron of rebirth, from the darkness of the deep, from the labyrinth of transformation.

She is new, she is different, she has changed.

She now prepares to move forward into the light of the new, graciously emanating the stillness, power and presence of the precious gifts bestowed during her menopausal transition. The most treasured of these gifts are the penetrating depth of her wisdom, the sharp blade of her truth, the flaming heart of her courage, the glowing light of her peace, the calm waters of her serenity. Spreading her wings wide open as never before, she is initiated into the realm of Guru, Peacekeeper, Wise Woman, Medicine Woman, Mother and Lover of All. She becomes She Who Knows.

She has passed all the tests and trials of menopause. Like Psyche, she has dived deeply into the underworld, carrying out her karmic tasks with grace and courage, power and wisdom. She now arises as the Phoenix reborn from the ashes, as the lotus emerging gracefully from the mud, into the new life of spring, away from the blackness of winter. And yet, she will always embody the wise ways she has gained through diving into the darkness of menopause’s transforming power. For these will serve her, and serve others, for the remainder of her life.

During the long phase of her menopausal journey she has been purified of much karmic residue. She has let go of all situations and people that diminish her power. Those who doubt her and do not see her have fallen by the wayside. She has let go of friends, lovers, experiences no longer aligned with the new woman, the new ways, the new wisdom now birthing within.

She has dived ever deeper into the centre of her power, of her love, of her being. She has died to the old so as to embrace the new. This time of her life is traditionally for receiving the ancient knowing of her female forebears, the wise elderwomen who came before her. These are the birthkeepers, peacekeepers, wisdomkeepers who have gently graced our beautiful earth for thousands of years.

She is the leaf falling from the tree, changing colour, surrendering to seasonal transitions, dancing breezes, storms and tides of change. She merges with the moist earth, transforming into rich mulch, rich humus that nurtures the tree of life, nurtures budding blossoms filled with the nectar of truth. The abundant fecundity of her womb has transmuted, has changed. Her body’s innate capacity to grow eggs, bear fruit, birth babies, is transforming into a deeper profundity of love and creativity she has never before known. A bountiful chalice of wisdom is forever hers if she dares to allow its awesome power to infuse every cell of her being.

She has no need to strive for success, to change the climate, to eradicate pollution. She has no need to save the world, the forests, the dolphins, the whales. She HAS changed. She is the Mother of Change, Woman of Transformation. She is the inner fire that brings about outer change. She is wisdom. She is love. All she now needs is to be fully who she is, to live in power and harmony from this newly emerging heart space within her depths. The concentric ripples of her serenity, peace and contentment will gently spiral, deeply touching all around her with a passionate presence, powerful purpose and deep knowing of truth.

She fears her power because she has been feared for aeons as witch, healer, lover, priestess, woman of passion, woman of heart. She is Kali, Aphrodite, Venus, Mary Magdalene, Demeter, Hecate, Hestia. She is every Goddess, every woman. She is lightness. She is darkness. She is protectress, creatress, matrix, matriarch. She is the womb of heart, the giver of life.

Many men fear the wise menopausal woman, for she offers a depth of love that can only flower through fully embracing the truth of menopause. To meet her in this place he must also embrace transformation and a willingness to find himself within her depths.

Paintings by Sandra M. StantonThe modern woman, alienated from her vast truth of love, her natural union with the earth, frequently experiences difficulty with menopause. Her outer world has seduced her far from the subtlety and strength of her wise woman ways. Her feet teeter and sway above high heels, above concrete, above asphalt, above the earth that is her very being. Her toes have forgotten the exquisite joy and blissful sensuality of merging with sand, water, mud, grass.

Her mind has forgotten the intuitive wisdom of her heart and her womb has forgotten it is love. The culture she lives in, so obsessed with youth, so terrified of love, of death, so afraid of sacredness, of truth, denies her the rightful power and rightful place of the menopausal woman.

Menopause is an ocean, a flame, a well, a depth, a death that bestows new passion, new purpose, joy, maturity, contentment if fully lived from the heart. Menopause is a liberation of love, a deepening of truth, a fire of transformation. Like Kali, it destroys, like the Priestess, it initiates, like the Medicine Woman, it heals, like the Guru, it awakens.

Menopause is a presence of deeper love, of deeper power, of deeper wisdom. Menopause gifts woman with the potential to live, every moment, as wise as the serpent, as gentle as the dove. If she is willing to open, trust, surrender to the power of her ancient knowing, it becomes her key to freedom.

If she resists life’s offering of this new freedom of spirit, she will stagnate, she will hold back, she will fear, she will hold her heart and her hands tightly closed. She will not be able to open her eyes, her arms, her heart to the new life of change being offered to her. She will not be free to dance in the flames of new beginnings, fly upon the outspread wings of change, listen to the wise whisperings of her being, to the loving wisdom of Heart Mother Crone.

Listen to her heartbeat. Listen to her call. Feel her pulse of life within your belly, within your womb. Receive her loving breath, open your heart, your eyes to love, to the infinite wisdom of her beauty, her truth. She is your power, menopausal woman. She is you. Thou art She. You are one.

You are Heart Mother, Soul Mother, Mother of Earth, Mother of Love. You are She who Knows, She who Knows All. You are Wise Woman, Heart Woman, you are Elder, you are nothing, you are everything. You are Heart Mother Crone.

© Roslyne Sophia Breillat
e-mail: wullegurra@hotmail.com


www.wildheartwisdom.com - Roslyne Sophia Breillat -
Within the womb of every woman glows the consciousness of Mother Earth. Wildheartwisdom is a web site for nurturing the truth of this powerful feminine spirit and offers support for the female psyche’s many cyclic transformations. Wildheartwisdom focuses upon the deeper joy and purpose of menstruation, lovemaking, pregnancy, childbirth, mothering, relationships, menopause and beyond. Find spiritual guidance for healing from eating disorders, sexual abuse, miscarriage and abortion. There are currently three galleries featuring Sophia’s art and a selection of her article excerpts. As wildheartwisdom evolves more art and articles will be added as well as an extensive resource section. Sophia’s beautiful art and illustrations are for sale and she is currently seeking a publisher for her two books.

UnLeashing Love ~
A Collection of Medicine Stories to Feed the Spirit and Awaken the Heart
Written by JoAnne Dodgson

Medicine stories are shared with the intent to evoke healing and inner reflection, to feed the spirit and awaken the heart. Unleashing Love is a beautiful collection of unique medicine stories filled with rich and compelling experiences to delight the senses and expand awareness, to nourish personal quests and invite connections with unseen worlds, to awaken the passions of life within us and all around.

$12.95 plus shipping

Stories by JoAnne Dodgson

Order UnLeashing Love in our Bookshop


Partner Earth: A Spiritual Ecology
by Pam Montgomery
Partner Earth provides a wide range of practical exercises, based on traditional wisdom, visualizations, and the author's experience as an herbalist, that enable one to create sacred space, find plant and animal allies, and embrace the spirit in all life that can help heal the rift between individuals and their environment.

Price: $12.95

Order this book from our Bookshop


"Well-written and thought-provoking...eminently practical, and deeply inspiring." Rosemary Gladstar Author of Herbal Healing for Women


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Ash Tree Publishing: Herbal Medicine Books for Women's Health

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