Wise Woman herbal eZine with Susun Weed

October 2005

Empower Yourself...
Maps of the Heart
by JoAnne Dodgson


Maps of the Heart
by JoAnne Dodgson


“I feel so lost.” The woman’s tear-choked voice on the other end of the phone was swallowed into silence. A few moments later, struggling to keep her tears at bay, searching for words to tell her story, she continued on. “You know, I used to feel pretty okay, just going along, living my life. But everything’s gotten turned upside down. I’m not so sure anymore where I’m headed or what I’m supposed to do. It’s like the map I had just flew out the window.”

These are poignant moments, when the familiar path of our lives and our long-held beliefs about who we are, what we do, and where we belong unexpectedly become filled with unknowns. We may feel lost in the wake of changes in our jobs, health or financial situations, when relationships begin or end, when we relocate our homes or experience transitions such as births and deaths, graduations and retirements. There may even be times when the circumstances of our lives outwardly appear unchanged, yet we feel shaken off-course by unexpected rumblings in our inner world, when something not-yet-understood begins to stir and awaken, yearning for expression.

Our lives are often shaped by the well-worn maps handed out by our culture, media, family, schools, peers, and other sources of social conditioning. We dutifully adhere to these manufactured instructions, buying into the belief that these sanctioned maps, with their offical stamp of approval, offer us a lifetime guarantee of safe passage to love, acceptance, and success. Over time, the maps become all the more familiar, and our faithful following of them all the more habitually routine, regardless if we actually find what we’re seeking or thrive in our journeys along the way.

Whether we deliberately throw away the maps we’ve long-carried or discover they’ve been unexpectedly swept away by some other force, we may find ourselves floundering around without clear direction. Looking out toward new distant horizons, we may feel pulled to explore yetunseen lands all the while yearning to return to the comfort and familiarity of the way things were. Finding ourselves in between whatused-to-be and what-hasn’t-yet-manifested may feel murky, ambiguous, even threatening. Though we may fear we’ve lost our footing, we’re actually standing on rich fertile ground. The lush space in between whathas-been and what’s-yet-to-be is potent and alive, resonating with creative energy. There we come face to face with the mystery and magic of life, which calls us to open our vision, plant the seeds of our dreams, hold clear our intent, and nourish the organic unfolding of healing, transformation and change.

So beyond all the confusion and fear of being lost, there are vast potentials just waiting to be found. Feeling lost is a compelling invitation to find our way home ~ to clarify who we are and what we want, to discover our innate belonging and connection, to seek nourishment, enrichment and joy along the way. A hiatus from the once-familiar ways of thinking, feeling, doing and relating offers a rich opportunity to reorient ourselves and explore new maps for our journey. We can honor what has been, hold compassion for the release of what’s ready to be let go, and open up to the creative possibilities of what can be.

Authentic maps for the journeys of our lives won’t be found somewhere-out-there. Rather, we need to take a look inside. Vast knowingness resonates in the very cells of our being. The knowledge we carry in our hearts is filled with boundless treasures ~ clear awareness of our true essence, understanding of our life purpose, clarity about our passions, and recognition of the particular gifts we’ve come to experience, explore and share. Trustworthy guidance is found in the remembering of our truths, in the reclaiming of our unique and natural ways of being. A map painted with the vibrant understanding of who we really are is an unshakeable, steadfast guide.

Following our own inner knowing means living empowered and free. When we discard the old maps made somewhere-out-there, we leave behind assumptions and expectations. We release the limited pictures we’ve carried of the prescribed roles we must fill, well-worn roads we’re to travel, and socially-acceptable destinations we’re supposed to fervently strive to reach. We free ourselves from dogmatic rules about how fast we should move, where and when it’s permissible to rest, when and if we can play and with whom, how to look and behave once we finally “get there,” and where we’re forbidden to go.

Removing the blinders that have narrowed our vision, we open up to the vast universe of possibilities and choice. With inner knowing as our guide, we intentionally direct our energy and attention into the activities and endeavors which are authentic expressions of who we really are and what we’ve come here to do. Walking our own unique path with passion and freedom, with commitment and discerning awareness, we understand we’re making choices with each and every step that we take. We can bypass the potholes of judgment, the misleading detours of fear, and the dead-end roads paved with addictive distractions by following the maps of the heart. Trusting in the guidance of our inner knowing means owning our power and embracing our passions, joining hands with the mystery and magic of life.

So enjoy the grand adventure of discovery as you explore who you are and what you really want. Venture into the sacred space of your own remembering to reclaim the purpose and direction of your unique journey in this life. Leave behind any heavy baggage stuffed with judgments and fears, all the shoulds and supposed-to’s and blindly-held beliefs about yourself, others and the world. Listen and feel, with all of your senses, to the spiritual guidance living within you and all around. Vision and dream. Feel your song. Dance your rhythm. Let your heart lead the way. Let passion be your trusted guide.

Copyright © 2005 by JoAnne Dodgson

Dr. JoAnne Dodgson is a healer, teacher and author (Gifts of the Grandmother and Cocooning) whose unique healing work with individuals and groups is centered in the ancient tradition Ka Ta See, “living in balance from the heart.”


Wise Woman Herbal Ezine is sponsored
by www.susunweed.com and www.wisewomanbookshop.com

Susun Weed is one of America's best-known authorities on herbal medicine and natural approaches to women's health. Her four best-selling books--recommended by expert herbalists and well-known physicians--are used and cherished by millions of women globally. Topics include childbearing, breast health, menopause, wellbeing, and more.

The Wise Woman Center exists to re-weave the healing cloak of the Ancients. This land is sacred, it is a safe space for women, and a place for the teachings of the Wise Woman Way. The Goddess lives here, as do goats, fairies, green witches, and elders. There are many classes, workshops and intensives that are offered at the Wise Woman Center.
For a schedule of events, please call, write or e-mail us.

Susun Weed and The Wise Woman Center
PO Box 64 Woodstock NY 12498

©Susun Weed -Wise Woman Center
The content provided by Susun Weed and the Wise Woman Center is for information purposes only and is in no way intended to be a substitute for medical consultation with a qualified professional. We encourage Internet users to be careful when using medical information. If you are unsure about your medical condition, consult your own health practitioner. Although we carefully review our content, Susun Weed cannot guarantee nor take responsibility for the medical accuracy of documents published on this site, nor can Susun Weed assume any liability for the content of Web sites linked to and from our site.