The Color Orange
by sHEALy
Deep within the fertility center of every woman, the color
orange resides. A burning flame of heat, passion and warm
intentions pulsates, the fertility chakra. Here, where our
ovaries are located, we find our ability to birth new ideas
and projects. Energy is stored below our naval. It acts
like a filled gas tank.
When this chakra is open and working with the rest of the
body, we feel energized and healthy. This chakra allows
us to get into action and make our world that which we want
it to be. When we focus our intentions at the area located
below our naval, we can feel the fullness of this energy.
We can attaché our intentions to this energy and
begin to work for our dreams.
This part of the physical body is most often the strongest.
We need this strength to stand erect. We need the strength
of our lower back and torso to hold our bodies erect when
we are tired or when we are sitting at attention. When our
lower torso is weak it allows our entire physical body to
become out of alignment.
Concentrating upon the lower physical torso with strengthening
intentions is a first step toward developing healthy energy.
When this portion of the body is physically healthy a healthy
chakra can exist as well. Too often we think of the chakra
as only an intangible energy. While the energy of the chakra
is not a physical one, it does have the ability to affect
the actual physical body. In turn, the actual physical body
in the same manner can affect the chakra energy.
Physical exercise is necessary for many reasons. The second
chakra however is most affected by physical exercise. Strengthen
the body and the second chakra begins to glow in a bright
orange color. This energy vibrates out from the physical
body and upward toward the other organs and chakras.
a muscle, when one is strengthened, the others align and
begin to work more effectively; the chakras are the same.
Work to energize one and the energy aligns and moves more
effectively throughout the entire body. This second chakra
is a most important one. Begin your focus just above the
first energy center located at the base of the spin. Allow
your attention to move upward approximately six inches.
Then begin to focus your thoughts and attention on this
spot. Breathe inward and relax this area of the body. As
you grow more connected with this area, be aware that the
energy of fertility and inspiration lives here. Then, practice
a simple exercise to strengthen this physical area.
Small crunches are an excellent and easy exercise for those
who are physically able to perform exercise. Ask your doctor
or a trained exercise coach to suggest a few tummy toning
exercises. Then practice. As you build these muscles your
attitude will grow stronger and you will emotionally feel
good. Expect fast changes. This area of the body is most
agreeable to your wants. Remember that you are working to
simply develop strength and better health. As your work
to see these results your second chakra and the color orange
will be growing strong.
Orange Exercises for the Lower Back and Tummy
1. Lie flat on your stomach
2. Rest your body on the floor and breathe inward through
your nose
3. Breathe out of your mouth until you feel relaxed
4. Allow arms to lie flat at sides of body
5. Crunch your stomach muscles and hold for one minute
6. Relax and then repeat
7. Lie flat on your back
8. Bend arms and place hands at side of neck
9. Bend kneed and move your feet toward your bottom
10. Lift your upper torso two inches off the floor without
putting stress on your neck
11. Relax and then repeat
12. Lie flat on your stomach
13. Rest your body on the floor and breathe inward through
your nose
14. Place arms outward and above your head
15. Life your upper torso off the ground approximately two
16. Breathe out from your mouth
Next Month with sHEALy
Understanding the First Chakra-Base Chakra