What is Sacred
by Waynonaha
Standing in the hoop of the Sacred Corn Mother we honor the
young girls as they becoming women. To our people all ceremony
is held in the highest respect and honor.
Nothing is taken lightly we stand in total respect of the
elders and the teaching during this entire ceremony. The honoring
of the women's medicine is powerful when done under the Strawberry
The hoop or circle is never broken, the sacred fire is never
left unattended or let to die out. As the heart beat of the
drum is carried out over the camping area we are in the hoop
of holy ceremony. For as far as a person can walk for three
days in all four directions, that is the sacred hoop of the
We as women have the power to hold this sacred hoop of respect
so that our young women will be in a space of peace and love.
It is the reproduction of the womb that they were born from
and a place that is treated as the beginning of all creation.
Only when this ceremony is held in a high and honored place
can the spirits enter and work with our minds, spirits and
our hearts that beat as one, body and has one soul.
When we are in ceremony it means that during this time we
are to conduct ourselves in a respectful honoring way. We
are after all setting an example for the young women who are
stepping into the place of women and for the elders who hold
the place of wisdom and honor in the hoop.
Any show of disrespect can harm the hoop and disrupt the
spirits that have come to attend and to help us find our path.
The women must think kind thoughts of each other and not criticize
or in any way seek to destroy another's ways or words. This
ceremony is after all about the young women not an individual
person. We tolerated no out breaks of arguments between the
women. If this ever occurred the elders would take it to the
ceremonial council and make their decision as what to do.
Throughout the ceremony, we keep our minds and bodies clear
of things that could come in through us and enter the hoop.
means that we are to listen to the elders and to hold the
ways of the people in our hearts. We do not make our minds
closed by the use of drugs or alcoholic drinks. We stand respectful
and listen or sit and keep attentive to the elders or teachers
that have come to speak.
We are modest women who hold our bodies as the womb that
creates the sacred life of our people. Never would a women
display herself in any other way than as a modest and virtuous
woman. If this was ever done then the women would be ask to
leave the hoop for the good of all who were there to learn.
Public display of nudity was not done in the ceremony. We
say if a person brings anger and petty needs into the hoop
then the power of the Creator will put their lives out side
the hoop.
Of a woman conducted herself in a bad way she would be known
as an not virtuous women and would be considered as one with
a "hole in her moccasin". There also are other reasons
for this to happen but we are now speaking of ceremony only.
In the circle of the fire we do not smoke or speak loud,
so that others cannot hear the speakers. Nothing other than
tobacco, and corn meal, for prayers are placed in the sacred
fire. All things that are done or said in the hoop, both good
or bad are never spoken of in a gossiping way. This is to
call attention to our self as a loose speaking person.
In the traditional way a woman who gossiped or created a
public display of herself such as nudity, or gossip, would
have her nose slit to show that she was not a women of the
people. Some customs went so far as to take the woman out
away from the village with only the bare personal belongings
and leave her to survive on her own. This woman would never
be invited into any village and her own family would not speak
to her. She would be a spirit already walking with the stick
people, or Chi Ches.
This practice was not only for women but for men too. With
the men it was a harder and harsh ritual that sent them away
from the village.
This may seem hard and unfair to some, but it was to preserve
the ways so that today we can share them with all nations
of women.
I trust this helps many understand the need for respect and
love, the hoop of healing and sharing is the result of this
If you are ever invited to come and sit in the circle of
live or the Strawberry Moon ceremony then do so with respect
and love. This can change the way you and your daughters and
grand daughters hold being women as a sacred and healing circle
of life.
Love Waynonaha
I trust that all women know the violation of the ceremony
and the hoop can only cause them pain and suffering in the
future. It is not the sisters who will take this task into
their council but a much higher being and power will prevail.
Copyright C 2005
by Waynonaha Two Worlds
All publication rights reserved