Sky Voice
This morning as I look out on the world from my window,
I see long thick ice cycles hanging on the eves of our
old house. The ice glistens with a pink glow that is reflected
from the clouds. All is clean and bright again under the
deep and peaceful snow blanket that has been falling for
two days.
Open the door and letting in a blast of cold air, I look
to the East and see the sun rising in a clear and azure
blue sky. The first rays of the sun dance across the horizon
and touch the clouds with a deep pink in honor of our
first snow.
Trees hold thin branches up to the sky covered with snow
offerings. A fat black crow comes to sit and talk as I
view the wonders of the sky. His sharp cawing reminding
me that it is cold and I must not stay too long here in
the snow. My hands and feet tingle with the cold and my
body comes alive with new and clear energy.
swirls of pink cotton candy smoke rise in silence from
the chimneys of the houses, and drift off in the still
morning. All is at peace as Creator moves darkness aside
and with the hand of love gifts the light of beauty for
all to see.
In my heart I hear Creator saying, “here is my
master piece, and now I add my signature as the final
touch.” It is with this great feeling of peace that
floods into my heart that I look out on a world of white,
and know that we are never alone.
Some times when I am in need of an answer I only have
to look up to the sky and see the message Creator had
painted for today.
Now the blessing of the sun and the final touch of beauty
fade as things of the moment do. I place these in my memory
to take out later and see them again in my heart. This
place of keeping the sacred gifts of an all loving and
all knowing Creator, is full and rich from the many moments
that are given for us to share. The crystal hanging in
the window, reflects rainbows on the walls, bring in the
brightness of love and beauty.
Today when I most needed it, my heart was lifted into
a place of love and compassion to understand the many
dark times that have passed in this year. It was a message
that we have all survived, and will continue to survive
in the future if we honor the gifts of beauty which are
of the moment.
I sing a song of winter beauty in honor of these gifts
from Creator, and ask for guidance in my life to continue
serving and helping others. The white vapor of my breath
joins the smoke in pink hues and disappears into the morning
For this moment I am and will always be a part of the
Creators master piece. If I lose sight of this path I
know that Creator will send a message on the sky for me
to follow home.
Love and blessings Waynonaha
Copyright © 2004 Waynonaha
Two Worlds All copyrights reserved.
Snowy Owl
Early one winter morning I was driving along Forest Avenue
on my way to work in Portland, Maine. I was admiring the
sky and watching the clouds drift along toward the ocean.
This was always a wonderful, peaceful sight in the morning,
a time for letting go of the morning stress, and clearing
the mind.
Just before you enter the city, there is a large overpass.
This is usually full of ice and snow like a welcome doorway.
On this cold morning, as I drove to work, I looked up
to watch a flock of geese that came seeking refuge from
the winter cold. The pink clouds in the background of
drifting chimney smoke filled my heart for the hours ahead.
was my morning habit to fill all that I could with good
thoughts because I knew the rest of the day may hold death
and pain. A hospital is not an easy place to work when
your heart is not able to shut off emotions and compassion
for others’ pain and loss.
I looked up on this wonderful morning and there, on the
overpass, sat a snowy owl watching the traffic. I had
to look quick to realize what I had seen; it was not an
I stopped as soon as I could and proceeded to turn my
little Blazer around to go back and look once more. It
took me some time to find a break in the traffic that
was getting heavy so close to the city. I got back on
the road and returned to the underpass, where I parked
near a small convenience store.
I stopped and got out to look again at the overpass.
Sure enough, I was not mistaken, there it was. On that
snow-covered overpass sat a very large snowy owl, it was
Like some royal ruler of a winter kingdom, it sat and
watched its frozen domain. This was truly an answer to
what had just been on my mind that morning. My mind had
been contemplating the reason to life and all the everyday
cares that we must pass through to live and be happy.
I hold this in my heart and mind for the times when I
feel so lost and alone. I will always know that the Creator
is with us, if we but see the small wonders and signs
sent to show us we are never alone. The snowy owl sat
on that overpass for a few weeks before it decided to
leave for better hunting. The Portland newspapers ran
an article on it, but only as a local interest story.
The true meaning of the owl was never revealed to the
unknowing public. Perhaps it was not important for this
to happen as we each see things in our own way and we
hold that thought in our hearts forever.
Love Waynonaha
Copyright © by Waynonaha
Two Worlds All publication rights reserved