Be Your Own Herbal Expert - Part 7
Herbal medicine is the medicine of the people
by Susun S Weed c. 2004
(part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4 - part 5 - part 6 - part 8)
Herbal medicine is the medicine of the people. It is simple,
safe, effective, and free. Our ancestors used -- and our neighbors
around the world still use -- plant medicines for healing
and health maintenance. It's easy. You can do it too, and
you don't need a degree or any special training.
memories arise in you when you begin to use herbal medicine.
These lessons are designed to nourish and activate those memories
and your inner herbalist so you can be your own herbal expert.
In our first session, we learned how to "listen"
to the messages of plant's tastes. In session two, about simples
and water-based herbal remedies. In the third, I distinguished
safe (nourishing and tonifying) herbs from more dangerous
(stimulating and sedating) herbs. Our fourth session focused
on poisons; we made tinctures and an Herbal Medicine Chest.
Our fifth dealt with herbal vinegars, and the sixth with herbal
In this, our seventh session, we will think about how we
think about healing.
The Three Traditions of Healing
There are many ways to use herbs to improve and maintain
health. Modern medicine uses highly refined herbal products
known as drugs. Many alternative or holistic practitioners
recommend herbs, usually in less-refined (and less dangerous)
forms such as tinctures or homeopathic remedies. And then
there are the yarb women, the wise women, such as myself,
who integrate herbs into their daily diet and claim far-reaching
results for simple remedies.
I call these three different approaches the Scientific, Heroic,
and Wise Woman traditions.
These three traditions are ways of thinking, not ways of
acting. And they are not limited to herbs. Any technique,
any substance can be used by a healer in the Scientific, Heroic,
and Wise Woman traditions. There are, for instance, naturopaths,
midwives, and MDs in each tradition, as well as herbalists,
educators, therapists, even politicians.
Each of these traditions lives within you, too.
As I define the characteristics of each tradition, identify
the part of yourself that thinks that way.
To take this eight part course and get the full content join
Personal Mentorship with Susun Weed at the
Herbal Medicine Mentorship level – click here to get the details
If you're already a member Click here to read the rest of Part Seven
more about Wise Woman classes with Susun Weed
with Susun Weed in the convenience of your home! Choose from
four Correspondence Courses: Green Allies, Spirit & Practice
of the Wise Woman Tradition, Green Witch, and ABC
of Herbalism - includes audio/video tapes, books,
assignments, special mailings, plus personal time.
Learn more at
or write to:
Susun Weed
PO Box 64
Woodstock, NY 12498
Fax: 1-845-246-8081
Visit Susun Weed at:
Vibrant, passionate, and involved, Susun Weed has garnered
an international reputation for her groundbreaking lectures,
teachings, and writings on health and nutrition. She challenges
conventional medical approaches with humor, insight, and her
vast encyclopedic knowledge of herbal medicine. Unabashedly
pro-woman, her animated and enthusiastic lectures are engaging
and often profoundly provocative.
Susun is one of America's best-known authorities
on herbal medicine and natural approaches to women's health.
Her four best-selling books are recommended by expert herbalists
and well-known physicians and are used and cherished by millions
of women around the world. Learn more at
Introducing a brand new
of Herbalism
A Correspondence Course with Susun Weed
A special course for the aspiring herbalist
who would like to have me "by your side" teaching
you how to identify, harvest, and buy 52 healing herbs. I'll
"watch over your shoulder" as you make nourishing
herbal infusions, tinctures, vinegars, oils, honeys, poultices,
soups, and beauty aids.
Your studies will be both experiential and intellectual.
You will make and use herbal remedies as well as reading about
them in a variety of sources. You will try out my
favorite remedies.
Your course materials include:
* Fifty-two herbal projects and twenty health projects to
complete at your own pace. (Value $100)
* Guidance in developing a green ally.
* Six herbals: 1. A City Herbal; 2. Common Herbs for Natural
Health; 3. Healing Wise; 4. The Herb Book; 5. Natural Health
Bible; 6. Opening Our Wild Hearts to the Healing Herbs. (Value
* Up to four more books -- your choice from the enclosed list.
(Value up to $65)
* Four of my audiotapes or one of my videotapes -- your choice
from the enclosed list. (Value $40)
* Three hours of phone time to talk with me personally. (Value
* Initiation and completion gifts.
* Erratic mailings several times a year for two years. (Value
* A 50% discount on three days of classes with me. (Value
up to $150)
* A graduation certificate for you to frame and hang. (Priceless)
Click here to learn more about the ABC's
of Herbalism Correspondence Course
Register online at
or via mail:
Susun Weed PO Box 64, Woodstock, NY 12498 ~ phone/fax: (845)
more about Wise Woman classes with Susun Weed