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Meet Susun Weed

  Workshops at Home (NY)  
Workshops Nationwide
Shamanic Apprenticeships
Correspondence Courses
Articles to Help You!

About Susun Weed


Susun's Biography

Susun S. Weed has no official diplomas of any kind; she left high school in her junior year to pursue studies in mathematics and artificial intelligence at UCLA and she left college in her junior year to pursue life.

Susun began studying herbal medicine in 1965 when she was living in Manhattan while pregnant with her daughter, Justine Adelaide Swede.

She wrote her first book -- Wise Woman Herbal for the Childbearing Year (now in its 30th printing)-- in 1985 and published it as the first title of Ash Tree Publishing in 1986.

It was followed by Healing Wise (1989), New Menopausal Years the Wise Woman Way (1992 and revised in 2002), Breast Cancer? Breast Health! The Wise Woman Way (1996), Down There: Sexual and Reproductive Health the Wise Woman Way (2011), Abundantly Well - Seven Medicines (2019)

In addition to her writing, Ms Weed trains apprentices, oversees the work of more than 300 correspondence course students, coordinates the activities of the Wise Woman Center, and is a High Priestess of Dianic Wicca, a member of the Sisterhood of the Shields, and a Peace Elder.

Susun Weed is a contributor to the Routledge International Encyclopedia of Women's Studies, peer- reviewed journals, and popular magazines, including a regular column in Sagewoman.

Her worldwide teaching schedule encompasses herbal medicine, ethnobotany, pharmacognosy, psychology of healing, ecoherbalism, nutrition, and women's health issues and her venues include medical schools, hospital wellness centers, breast cancer centers, midwifery schools, naturopathic colleges, and shamanic training centers, as well as many conferences.

Susun appears on many television and radio shows, including National Public Radio and NBC News.

Check out Susun's Publicity Schedule


In Susun's own words:

Dedicated to the Wise Woman tradition, I help women to learn the oldest ways of healing - together we are rediscovering the green witch/healer in each of us.

My goal is to change how we think about health and healing. May we all reclaim herbal medicine as the simple, safe primary care it is; a gift of health from the green nations.

My primary ally, my teacher in all things is Nature: the Earth and her many companions. I live with the plants, and the weather, and my goats.

I grow most of my own food, heat with wood, milk the goats twice a day. No radio, no recorded music, no TV, no newspaper intrudes on my day or interrupts my thoughts. I listen to the plants. I put their words into print. I publish their thoughts.

From March through November each year, I open my home to students, apprentices, and visiting teachers. Our workshops focus on the teachings of the Wise Woman Way, which nourishes wholeness through story, ceremony, and weeds. We have classes on herbal medicine, spirit healing, shamanic skills, priestess trainings, sacred sexuality, grief, chanting, and more.

Teachers from all over the world come to the Wise Woman Center, but the primary teacher is always Mother Nature, the Great Goddess. Each apprentice chooses a goddess archetype to live with during her stay, and she chooses a green ally -- one plant -- to work with for a year.

Part of their work is to herd the goats, which requires being alone in Nature for most of the day. I do my best to create for the apprentices the same situations that allowed me to hear the plants speaking, that opened my heart to the ways of Nature. We do trances, we chant, we listen to the plants.

I want my students to learn as I learned, not what I learned. I want them to find their own way and to trust their own intuition. This is the goal in my books, too. I am not telling women how to do it right -- because there is no one right way -- I am sharing all the ways there are to do it, so they can choose, so they have their own power.

Green Blessings, Susun Weed

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Susun's One Day Workshops
(Wise Woman Center, Woodstock, NY)

This day-long workshop is taught by Susun Weed at the Wise Woman Center in Woodstock NY. Class is from 10 am to 5pm. Each one-day workshop with Susun Weed at the Wise Woman Center includes talking stick ceremony, a weed walk, wild-food lunch, and instruction.

At each workshop we will identify, harvest, and use local plants for food and medicine.
Registration Fee: $75. Register online or via mail: PO Box 64 Woodstock NY 12498

Women can join us for a moon lodge on the Friday of each of these weekends.

Overnight lodging for Friday and Saturday nights is available nearby.

REGISTRATION POLICY: Once you register we will send you a map and further details.

REFUND POLICY: If you cancel more than two weeks (15 days or more) before the workshop, we are able to offer you a full refund minus a $25 office fee. If you cancel within two weeks (14 days or less) of the workshop, we will be happy to apply your payment (minus a $25 office fee) to any other class at the Wise Woman Center. No show; no refund; non-negotiable. You may transfer your payment to another person at any time, no extra charge.

CONTACT US: Wise Woman Center PO Box 64 Woodstock NY 12498


"In a time of increasing complexity. . .someone still teaches the simple things."



“Your classes are more than expected: insightful, informative, joyous, and clear.”


One-day workshops (10AM-5PM), open to women and men. You'll be outside among the plants with Susun and the goats, learning to identify, harvest, and use local plants for food and medicine. Fee: $75, includes lunch with a wild salad.

This day-long workshop is taught by Susun Weed at the Wise Woman Center in Woodstock NY. Each one-day workshop includes talking stick ceremony, a weed walk, wild-food lunch, and instruction.

"You opened the door to quite an education and lots of fun, too."


April 20: Woodland Wonders Hands-on:

Meet ramps, coptis, dwarf ginseng, bloodroot, hepatica, and more


April 21:Spring Tonics Hands-on:

Make nettle soup and a wild salad; find brassicas, alliums, sweet birch


"The lessons you've given me will be my companions forever."

May 18: Herbal Pain Relief:

Ally with cannabis, skullcap, poppies, St. Joan’s wort, arnica, sweet clover


May 19: Your Herbal Garden Hands-on:

Best herbs to grow, best weeds to “cultivate,” free herbs for you to plant

"You are a wonderful teacher and an incredible example."

June 15: Magical Plants Hands-on:

Visionary herbs, dream pillows, flying oils, love potions

June 16: The Great Remedies Hands-on:

Identify, harvest, prepare and use the herbal remedies that top my list

"You opened a grounded, ancient, wise, visionary, magical world to me."

August 24: Herbal First Aid Hands-on:

Stings, tick bites, cuts and scrapes, aches and pains, even allergies, are easily and effectively remedied with the aid of plantain, yarrow, calendula, Hypericum, and other green allies

August 25: Adaptogens Hands-on:

Think better, live longer, feel great, adopt adaptogens

"The simplicity of your approach is amazing and empowering."

September 21: Mind Bending Plants Hands-ON:

Magic mushrooms, psychedelic mints, deadly nightshades.

September 22: Menopause 101 Hands-on:

Make a remedy to aid you and learn a lot to help you Change


"I continue to relish the special communion I felt in that amazing circle of Wise Women."

October 19: Winter Ready Hands-on:

Counter coughs, ward off colds and flu, protect yourself with green blessings


October 20: Seeds & Roots Hands-on:

Harvest and enjoy amaranth, lamb’s quarter, plantain, and other seeds; burdock, yellow dock, dandelion, chicory, and other roots



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This day-long workshop is taught by Susun Weed at the Wise Woman Center in Woodstock NY. Class is from 10 am to 5pm; you will be given directions once you register. Each one-day workshop with Susun Weed at the Wise Woman Center includes talking stick ceremony, a weed walk, wild-food lunch, and instruction.

At each workshop we will identify, harvest, and use local plants for food and medicine.
Registration Fee: $75.

Women can join us for a moon lodge on the Friday of each of these weekends.

Overnight lodging for Friday and Saturday nights is available nearby.

REGISTRATION POLICY: Once you register we will send you a map and further details.

REFUND POLICY: If you cancel more than two weeks (15 days or more) before the workshop, we are able to offer you a full refund minus a $25 office fee. If you cancel within two weeks (14 days or less) of the workshop, we will be happy to apply your payment (minus a $25 office fee) to any other class at the Wise Woman Center. No show; no refund; non-negotiable. You may transfer your payment to another person at any time, no extra charge.

CONTACT US: Wise Woman Center PO Box 64 Woodstock NY 12498


Join me for Work/Learn Days:

Work weekends:

April 13-14: Work-exchange Weekend
May 11-12: Work-exchange Weekend
June 8-9: Work-exchange Weekend
June 29-30: Work-exchange Weekend
July 27-28: Work-exchange Weekend
August 3-4: Work-exchange Weekend
August 17-18: Work-exchange Weekend
September 14-15: Work-exchange Weekend
October 12-13: Work-exchange Weekend
November 2-3: Work-exchange Weekend
November 16-17: Work-exchange Weekend
December 7-8: Work-exchange Weekend



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Susun's away from home schedule

Contact individual sponsors for further information and registration details

May 22-26: Midwest Women's Herbal Conference - in person -
September 5-8: ZB’s Goddess Festival in the Redwoods – in person – website:

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Healing Intensives for Women
with Susun Weed

these intensives are at the Wise Woman Center, Woodstock, NY

“Thank you for creating a place where women are challenged to know and share our deepest selves, our dearest dreams.”

Thurs-Sun / July 11-14, 2024

Reweave yourself in wholeness. Learn healing plants. Share sister spirit. Be initiated as a green witch.
4 days, 3 nights: $800. $100 deposit.

click here for more details...





For women aged 14 and older
August 5-11, 2024

A one-week apprenticeship for aspiring shamanic herbalists who want to learn from and play with the Green Goddess. And for past apprentices to share their wisdom and knowledge.
Class size limited

click here for more details and to register for the green goddess week...
The cost of this one-week apprenticeship is $1300.

New this year!
August 10-11: Green Goddess Weekend Click for details


susun weed travel schedule “To think I almost didn’t come to the Green Goddess Apprentice week.
You changed my life.” Green Blessings, Cindy

Register by mail: Susun Weed PO Box 64 Woodstock NY 12498
Register online:

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Correspondence Courses

I offer four Correspondence Courses, each suitable for beginning, intermediate, and advanced students. All courses are multicultural. Most students complete in 13-15 months, but there is no time limit. The course cost is the same for all students, regardless of where they live; international students are welcome!! Learn about my newest course -- ABC of Herbalism, click here to learn more about this correspondence course -- Study 52 herbs with Susun Weed.

Green Witch This course is designed to draw out and empower your own healing and magical abilities. Your personal development will expand swiftly and deeply during our time together. This course is designed primarily for personal growth, nonetheless, serious students of herbal/alternative/ energy medicine will find it highly beneficial. Includes 26 projects, books, audios, talk time, gifts, and more. Total cost $450

Spirit & Practice of the Wise Woman Tradition This course helps you develop the skills you'll need to provide high quality wellbeing and optimum healing options for yourself, your family, and your clients/friends. Your ability to use Wise Woman ways is supported, focused, and nurtured by a variety of projects and readings. Includes 26 projects, one of Susuns books, audios, talk time, gifts, and more. Total cost $450

Green Allies This course is an invitation to explore herbal medicine and the green nations (plants) both realistically – through handson field work – and fantastically – through trances and shamanic journeys to the hidden realms of the devas and fairies. Your skills in botany, nomenclature, pharmacy, and gardening will be nurtured through focused work with one green ally -- of your choice. Your investigations and experiments with your green ally will provide you with a thorough understanding of how to find, grow, prepare, and use the wealth of herbal medicines around you. Includes 26 projects, books, audios, talk time, gifts, and more. Total cost $450

ABC herbalism correspondence courseABC of Herbalism is a double-length course that guides you in the wise use of 52 herbs. You'll make teas, infusions, tinctures, vinegars, oils, honeys, poultices, soups, and beauty aids. Learn how to use herbs to build powerful immunity, boost nutrition, increase energy, and help ease problems of menopause, menstruation, asthma, allergies, cancer, headaches, heart disease, obesity, sleep problems, more. Develop a relationship with a green ally. Includes 52 projects, herbals, books, audios, talk time, more. Total cost $550

Click here for lots more information about Correspondence Courses

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Shamanic Apprenticeships

Live-in shamanic apprentices join Susun's active, eventful life at Laughing Rock farm, learning as they work and play with the plants and animals. The program is intense: physically, emotionally, mentally.

If you just want a nice place in the country to study herbs, this is not it. But if you want to nourish your wholeness, to increase your wisdom as well as your knowledge, and to help reweave the healing cloak of the Ancients, then please read further.

Wise Woman Herbal Apprenticeship - Open to all

A live-out apprentice group limited to eight students. Begin in April with a special weekend for you, including a private tarot reading. After attending fifteen one-day classes, graduate (optional initiation). Books, meals, camping, all materials included. Fee: $1300. (Work options available.)

“The strength I developed as an apprentice is rare in the world; it sustains me.”

“I can’t believe how much I learned in one week!”

find out more...

Green Goddess Apprentice Week
for Women Only
Mon-Sun / August 5-11, 2024

Gather green allies, explore botany and plant spirit medicine, make remedies to take home, attend a moon lodge, learn yoga, find your Goddess archetype and your spirit shield, be initiated in a magical ceremony.
7 days, 6 nights, all supplies: $1300. (Work options available.)

All Green Goddess Apprentices must be paid in full by June.

“You are a wonderful teacher, with a skill for explaining things in a down-to-earth way that makes it easy to take the information and run with it, use it, live it."

find out more...

Live-In Herbal Apprenticeships - For Women Only

Live with me for 6-13+ weeks as a Shamanic Herbal Apprentice.
You'll deepen with herbal medicines, spirit healing, green allies, Goddesses, consultations, trances, ceremonies, sisters, songs, tai chi, yoga, and surprises. Work exchange required.
Or live with me for 2+ weeks as a Simple Herbal Apprentice.

find out more...

Shamanic Herbal Apprenticeships 2024 - For Women Only

May 7: Shamanic Herbal Apprentices, Late Spring Group begins
June 25: Shamanic Herbal Apprentices, Summer Group begins
August 13: Shamanic Herbal Apprentices, Late Summer Group begins
September 17: Shamanic Herbal Apprentices, Autumn Group begins


“The Wise Woman Center is an incredible space for learning and growing:
the women are magnificent, the food stupendous, and the lessons continue to unfold.”


Click here for lots more information about Apprenticeships




"You are one of the few women in my life that I consider a way shower -- an example of my life-long quest -- learning to love myself. . . . Celebrate with me! I stood up for myself with the fierceness that I would use to protect my children -- without guilt."
Barbara ~ from a letter dated October 2002 (Barbara apprenticed in 1992 for two weeks)


"Exposure to the sun can burn my skin and hurt something wicked if I am unconscious and impatient and proud. But the sun's warmth and light nourishes me and fills me with energy and a clear vision of my path when I am conscious and respect Her boundaries. The sun's power is unquestionable, undeniable, and yet sort of invisible, important as breath. I will never forget to keep the 'sun' in Susun. Thank you for the exposure!"
Abbi ~ from a letter dated November 2002 (Abbi apprenticed in 2002 for 13 weeks)

"The days I spent apprenticing are unforgettable. Memories, daily tasks, objects, songs -- so many things remind me of those few weeks. Thanks for every word, thought, and hand you shared with me. And thanks to all the sisters I met during my stay. I think often of you and the generous energy that surrounds your house." Suzanne ~ from a letter dated January 2000 (Suzanne apprenticed in 1999 for 4 weeks)

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Susun S. Weed's Curriculum Vitae


Ms Weed is included in Who's Who of Intellectuals and Outstanding People of the 20th Century. Her five books -- which have won awards such as "Best Health Book of 2003" -- and her appearances -- worldwide -- have helped millions of women attain better health and become more powerful in themselves.

Ms Weed has no diplomas of any kind, having left high school in her junior year to pursue mathematics and artificial intelligence at UCLA, and having left there in her junior year to pursue life. She began studying her study of herbal medicine fifty years ago in 1965.

Her areas of focus are: folkloric herbalism, eco-herbalism, ethnobotany, pharmacognosy, philosophy and psychology of healing, comparative religion, and women's health/spirituality. She is especially interested in altered states of consciousness as they pertain to learning, healing, birthing, and dying; and the roles of plants in these states.

Ms. Weed has six best-selling books in print:
Wise Woman Herbal for the Childbearing Year
Healing Wise, the Big Green Herbal
New Menopausal Years, The Wise Woman Way
Breast Cancer? Breast Health! The Wise Woman Way
Down There: Sexual and Reproductive Health the Wise Woman Way
Abundantly Well: Seven medicines
Her work has been translated into German, French, Dutch, Japanese, and Spanish.

Ms. Weed has published in peer-reviewed journals (Journal of Nurse-Midwifery), and writes regular columns for SageWoman (print magazine), Herbal Healer, and Aspire (online magazines).
She hosts three radio shows, including one of five year's duration at
Ms. Weed is a contributor to the Textbook of Botanical Medicine for Women (menopause), and the Routledge Encyclopedia of Women's Studies (herbalism, menopause, and nutrition).

She sits on many advisory boards such as the Oregon Menopause Project, Women of Wisdom Foundation, and Weston A. Price Wise Traditions Foundation. She's been on numerous radio and tv shows including Fresh Air Radio, National Public Radio, NBC News, ABC Nightline News, Prescription for Health, Ask the Family Doctor, Wisdom Channel, and America's Talking.

Susun S. Weed has instructed students at venues such as: Yale Nurse Midwifery School, State University of New York (Scholar-in-residence), Benedictine Hospital, Vassar Brothers Hospital, Northern Dutchess Hospital, Conn. Inst. for Herbal Studies, California School of Herbal Studies, New York Open Center, Rocky Mountain Center for Botanical Studies, Florida School of Midwifery, American College of Nurse Midwives, University of Rhode Island, Uni. of Medicine and Dentistry in New Jersey, Interface Institute, Sufi Order Healing School, Heart of the Goddess Center, John Bastyr Naturopathic College, Reeves-Reed Arboretum, Blazing Star Herbal School, Natural Healing Institute, Rowe Confrence Center, and Self Heal Herbal Center.

She has also trained health-care professionals abroad at such prestigious schools as: The Kosmos/Amsterdam, Waikato College of Herbal Studies/New Zealand, Weg der Mitte/Berlin, Brustgesundheit Centrum/Germany, and Australasian Herbal College/Australia.

During the past decade Weed has been a featured teacher at: Green Nations Gathering, International Herb Symposium, Women's Herbal Conferences, American Herbalist's Guild conferences, Bioneers, HerbFest, Women's Botanical Medicine Conference, Pacific Northwest Herbal Symposium, Midwifery Today Conferences, Midwives Association of North America (MANA) conferences, American Wholistic Veterinarian Association meeting, and the Association of Perinatal Naturopathic Doctors conference.

Susun Weed is the founder of the Wise Woman Center (near Woodstock NY) and the Wise Woman School (online). She is the voice of the Wise Woman Tradition, which nourishes the wholeness of the unique individual.

Weed believes that herbal medicine is people's medicine and has devoted her life to reweaving the healing cloak of the Ancients. She is credited with first calling her work complementary medicine and continues to pioneer the concepts of integrative medicine, the medicine of the future.

Ms. Weed is an initiated member of the Wolf Clan and has been elected as a Peace Elder. Her encyclopedic knowledge, joyous spirit, dynamic personality, and information-rich website have made her a renowned voice in the herbal renaissance.
Ms. Weed's oeuvre is archived at the Lloyd Library in Ohio.

SUSUN WEED PO Box 64, Woodstock NY 12498

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Advice for You

Disclaimer: This information is shared with the understanding that you accept responsibility for your own health and well-being. The results of any treatment can not always be anticipated and never guaranteed. Consult your inner guidance, knowledgeable friends, and trained healers in addition to the writings here.

Below you will find a sampling of past questions and answers:

January 2002

Sheep sorrel and nursing is it safe?
Oatstraw infusion increases sexual desire
So you want to study herbal medicine?
Six steps of healing for bladder kidney health
Flax seed oil goes rancid in five minutes!
Soy products should be avoided
Witch hazel eases hemorrhoid swelling
Comfrey leaves no problem; comfrey root, watch out
Low-fat diet can be causing sporadic periods
Our grandmothers had kids into their fifties!
Echinacea and yarrow help for bacterial vaginitis
Hysterectomy does not mean you need to take hormones

December 2001

Avoid Echinacea on a daily basis
The "disease" Candida is a myth
Rosecea - use burdock, yarrow, or aloe vera gel
Infusions or tinctures? There are differences..
Increase your bone mass naturally - not with Fosomax
Wise Woman Ways for You - nourishing our own unique wholeness
Wild Yam Cream does nothing - don't buy the hype
Ten tips for women with PMS - and why to avoid supplements
Does wild yam tincture work? It depends on your body...
Avoid using sheep sorrel while nursing - it's dangerous!
The path to success is strewn with failure

November 2001

Bones Need High-Quality Fats
Infusion of Raspberry leaf - uterine tonic
Orgasms increase fertility!
Hypericum perforatum is the herb for herpes
Hot flashes are healthy!
Recipe for Brewing Infusion of Red Clover
Initiating Delayed Labor Naturally

October 2001

Seaweed helps to remove heavy metals
Nettle strengthens the kidneys, adrenals, and liver
Nourishing Herbal Infusions rather than estrogen and progesterone
Motherwort tincture to lower blood pressure
Use Wild Yam or Vitex to increase fertility
Red Raspberry strengthens uterus and prevents miscarriages
Red Clover, Nettle, and lots of lentils boost phytoestrogens and reduce cancer risk
Thank you for the blessing of your books - from childbearing to menopause - Beth

September 2001

Use Burdock for a healthy cervix!
Yellow Dock root is an excellent iron tonic...
Motherwort tincture for a healthy heart...
Menopause and Heart Palpitations?

August 2001

Cayenne and Flooding

Join Susun Weed on blogtalkradio, Tuesday nights 7:30-9:30 pm EST.
Call in with your questions 1-646-929-2463 or email ahead of time to

Visit the link for more info:

NOTE: It is helpful if you have read Susun's article and books before calling her, as you will find answers to your preliminary question there and so Susun will be able to help you with more indepth questions you may have.

visit for more questions and answers



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