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~ Herbal Medicine with Susun Weed ~

January 2002 ~ Volume 2, Number 1

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What's Inside Weed Wanderings this Month...

Feature Article

Book Review
Childbearing Year

Ask Susun Weed
Oatstraw infusion increases libido!

Recipe of the Month
                                                   Nettle Pharmacy - hair tonic, lotion & rescue

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Extra Feature
The Goddess is Alive in Every Woman



by Susun S. Weed

Stinging Nettle - urtica dioica


Wise women believe that most of the problems of pregnancy can be prevented by attention to nutrition. Morning sickness and mood swings are connected to low blood sugar; backaches and severe labor pains often result from insufficient calcium; varicose veins, hemorrhoids, constipation, skin discoloration and anemia are evidence of lack of specific nutrients; preeclampsia, the most severe problem of pregnancy, is a form of acute malnutrition. Excellent nutrition includes pure water, controlled breath, abundant light, loving and respectful relationships, beauty and harmony in daily life, joyous thoughts and vital foodstuffs.

During pregnancy nutrients are required to create the cells needed to form two extra pounds of uterine muscle, the nerves, bones, organs, muscles, glands and skin of the fetus, several pounds of amniotic fluid, a placenta and a 50 percent increase in blood volume. In addition, extra kidney and liver cells are needed to process the waste of' two beings instead of one.

Wild foods and organically grown produce, grains and herbs are the best source of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients needed during pregnancy. All the better if the expectant mother can get out and gather her own herbs: stretching, bending, breathing, moving, touching the earth, taking time to talk with the plants and to open herself to their spiritual world.


Wise women have recommended herbal tonics for childbearing for thousands of years. These herbs are empirically safe and notably effective. Tonic herbs improve general health by balancing and sustaining energy flow and focus in the body.

Tonics allay annoyances and prevent major problems. They can boost the supply of vital minerals and vitamins, increase energy and improve uterine tone. Some uterine tonics are contraindicated during pregnancy or are restricted to the last few weeks of pregnancy.

The tonics indicated for pregnancy need to be used regularly; a tonic is to the cells much as exercise is to the muscles: not much use when done erratically. Of course even occasional use of tonics during pregnancy will be of benefit, since they do contain nourishing factors. Better benefit will come from using them 5 times a week or more.

Some simple suggestions to get into the habit of' using tonics: pregnant women could replace the morning cup of coffee with a rich Nettle infusion. Or she could brew up some raspberry leaf tea and put it in the refrigerator to drink instead of soda, wine, or beer. Wild greens can be added to the diet. Women in many cultures have used the following herbs for centuries to have a healthier pregnancy.


Brewed as a tea or as an infusion, raspberry is the best known, most widely used, and safest of all uterine and pregnancy tonic herbs. It contains fragrine, an alkaloid which gives tone to the muscles of the pelvic region, including the uterus itself.

Most of the benefits ascribed to regular use of Raspberry tea through pregnancy are traced to the nourishing source of vitamins and minerals found in this plant and to the strengthening power of fragrine - an alkaloid which gives tone to the muscles of the pelvic region, including the uterus itself. Of special note are the rich concentration of vitamin C, the presence of vitamin E and the easily assimilated calcium and iron. Raspberry leaves also contain vitamins A and B complex and many minerals, including phosphorous and potassium.

The benefits of drinking a raspberry leaf brew before and throughout pregnancy include:

~ Increasing fertility in both men and women. Raspberry leaf is an excellent fertility herb when combined with Red Clover.

~ Preventing miscarriage and hemorrhage. Raspberry leaf tones the uterus and helps prevent miscarriage and postpartum hemorrhage from a relaxed or atonic uterus.

~ Easing of morning sickness. Many attest to raspberry leaves' gentle relief of nausea and stomach distress throughout pregnancy.

~ Reducing pain during labor and after birth. By toning the muscles used during labor and delivery, Raspberry leaf eliminates many of the reasons for a painful delivery and prolonged recovery. It does not, however, counter the pain of pelvic dilation.

~ Assisting in the production of plentiful breast milk. The high mineral content of Raspberry leaf assist in milk production, but its astringency may counter that for some women.

~ Providing a safe and speedy pariuntion. Raspberry leaf works to encourage the uterus to let go and function without tension. It does not strengthen contractions, but does allow the contracting uterus to work more effective and so may make the birth easier and faster.

NETTLE LEAVES (Urtica Diotca)

Less well known as a pregnancy ionic but deserving a kinder reputation and use, Urtica is one of the finest nourishing tonics known. It is reputed to have more chlorophyll than any other herb. The list of vitamins and minerals in this herb includes nearly every one known to necessary for human health and growth.

Vitamins A, C, D and K, calcium, potassium, phosphorous, iron and sulphur are particularly abundant in nettles. The infusion is a dark green color approaching black. The taste is deep and rich. If you are blessed with a nettle patch near you, use the fresh plant as a pot herb in the spring.

Some pregnant women alternate weeks of nettle and raspberry brews; others drink raspberry until the last month and then switch to nettles to insure large amounts of vitamin K in the blood before birth.
The benefits of drinking nettle infusion before and throughout pregnancy include:

~ Aiding the kidneys. Nettle infusions were instrumental in rebuilding the kidneys of a woman who was told she would have to be put on a dialysis machine. Since the kidneys must cleanse 150 percent of the normal blood supply for most of the pregnancy, nettle's ability to nourish and strengthen them is of major importance. Any accumulation of minerals in the kidneys, such as gravel or stones, is gently loosened, dissolved and eliminated by the consistent use of nettle infusions.

~ Increasing fertility in women and men.

~ Nourishing mother and fetus.

~ Easing leg cramps and other spasms.

~ Diminishing pain during and after birth. The high calcium content, which is readily assimilated, helps diminish muscle pains in the uterus, in the legs and elsewhere.

~ Preventing hemorrhage after birth. Nettle is a superb source of vitamin K, and increases available hemoglobin, both of which decrease the likelihood of postpartum hemorrhage. Fresh Nettle Juice, in teaspoon doses, slows postpartum bleeding.

~ Reducing hemorrhoids. Nettle's mild astringency and general nourishing action tightens and strengthens blood vessels, helps maintain arterial elasticity and improves venous resilience.

~ Increasing the richness and amount of breast milk.


Of course calcium is a mineral, not an herbal tonic, but it is so important during pregnancy and throughout our woman lives that I consider it a tonic. Lack of adequate calcium during pregnancy is associated with muscle cramps, backache, high blood pressure, intense labor and afterbirth pains, osteoporosis, tooth problems, and preeclampsia.

Calcium assimilation is governed by exercise, stress, acidity during digestion, availability of' Vitamin C, A and especially D, and availability of magnesium and phosphorous in the body and the diet. Getting 1000 to 2000 mg of calcium every day is not hard with the help of Wise Woman herbs:

The best food sources of calcium are fish dairy products, but there is controversy about the assimilability of calcium from pasteurized, homogenized milk. My preferred food sources include goal milk and goat cheese, salmon, sardines, mackerel, seaweed (especially kelp), sesame salt (gomasio), tahini and dark leafy greens such as turnip tops, beet greens and kale.

There are roughly 2(X) grams of calcium in two ounces of nuts (excluding peanuts), one ounce of dried seaweed, two ounces of carob powder, one ounce of cheese, half a cup of cooked greens, (kale, collards and especially dandelion) half a cup of milk, three eggs, four ounces of fish, or one tablespoon of molasses.

Most wild greens are exceptionally rich in calcium arid the factors need for calcium absorption and use. Lambs quarters, mallow, galinsoga, shepherd's purse, knotweed, bidens, amaranth and dandelion leaves all supply more calcium per 100 grams than does milk.

Bones soaked in apple cider vinegar release their calcium into the acidic vinegar. A tablespoon of this vinegar in a glass of water supplies needed calcium and relieves morning sickness too.

Many fruits are rich in calcium (though not as rich as the above foods). Dried dates, figs raisins, prunes, papaya and elderberries are the best source.

Raspberry leaf infusion contains calcium in its most assimilable form. Assimilation is further enhanced by the presence of phosphorous and vitamins A and C in the raspberry leaves.

Fresh parsley and watercress are available in most grocery stores year round. They are both good sources of many minerals and vitamins, including calcium, phosphorous, vitamin A and vitamin C.

Nettle Infusion supplies calcium and phosphorous, vitamin A and the vital vitamin D, in a readily assimilable form.

Foods that are thought to interfere with absorption of calcium should be avoided: spinach, chocolate, rhubarb and brewer's yeast.

Do not use bone meal or oyster shell tablets as sources of supplemental calcium. They have been found to be high in lead, mercury, cadmium and other toxic metals.


Squaw Vine (Mitchella repens), Blue Cohosh (Caulophyflum thalicotroides), and Black Cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa) all should be avoided until the last 4 to 6 weeks of pregnancy. Even then, they should be used only when indicated, and under the supervision of someone experienced in their use. Some midwives report that the Cohoshes must be used together (not interchangeably). Others have reported premature labor when Blue Cohosh was taken in combination with Pennyroyal.False Unicorn Root (Helonias dioica), Dong Quai (Angelica spp.) and PN6 capsules are considered too strong for use during pregnancy.

Some people feel that Comfrey is not safe to use during pregnancy. Some people feel comfrey is not safe to use internally at all. I disagree. The roots of comfrey do contain compounds that are best avoided during pregnancy. (As do all parts of the wild plant.) In fact, I rarely use comfrey root because of the possibility of liver congestion, and I strongly caution those who have had hepatitis, chemotherapy, or alcohol problems to strictly avoid comfrey root. Yet even these people can benefit from use of comfrey leaf infusions. I harvest the flowering stalks when they are fully formed; and I am careful to use the cultivated garden comfrey, which grows very tall and has purplish, pinkish, bluish flowers. I avoid wild comfrey which stays rather small, even when flowering, and has cream-colored, white, or yellowish flowers.

* Chaste tree (Vitex agnus-castii) is another important herbal ally for women over forty who desire a child. It has been used in Africa and parts of Europe for several thousand years to discourage the male libido. In women, the effects seem to be the opposite! It may also be a fertility enhancer. Most importantly, chaste tree is a strengthening tonic for the pituitary gland, the master control gland for the endocrine system. Daily use of the tincture of the berries (1 dropperful/1 ml 2-3 times daily) had been shown to increase progesterone--the hormone of pregnancy--and luteinizing hormone--which promotes conception. Because it can lower prolactin levels, chaste tree is best discontinues during the last trimester of pregnancy.

* Dong quai (Angelica sinensis) is not recommended for women over forty. In general, this herb promotes blood flow to the uterus and surrounding tissues. This can promote the growth of fibroids and increase the risk of post-partum hemorrhage. Ginger is a better warming tonic; motherwort is better at relieving pain; and raspberry is better at preparing the uterus for birth.

For more Childbearing wisdom read Susun Weed's book:

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This article can also be found online at Alternative Nature Online Herbal

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The Childbearing Year

by Susun Weed
Foreword by Jeanine Parvati Baker.
Paperback - 192 pages (1986)
Published by Ash Tree Publishing

Now in its 24th printing. A confirmed favorite with pregnant women, midwives, childbirth educators, and new parents. Packed with clear, comforting, and superbly helpful information.


First off, this is an amazing book. Susun Weed has mastered the world of plants, and in this book, she shares it with us all. This is one book from the Wise Woman Herbal series. Yes, there are more. However, this is about the Herbal for the Childbearing Year. Yes, Year! She does not start at conception. Instead she shows us how to prepare for pregnancy, how to make our body healthy and fruitful. Then she discusses pregnancy and childbirth, then the infant.

This book starts with the Foreword..."Women are carriers of life. We hold the fruit of our loving beneath our hearts."...Here they [Jeanine Parvati Baker] talk about Susun and the knowledge she has to offer. Here we experience the surgance of power that allows us to reach deep within ourselves to take back the knowledge that has been all but lost. (This book was published in 1986. All the hype surrounding herbs had not yet escalated.)

Following the Foreword is the Introduction where Susun gives us her own words of wisdom, and then the section on Using This Book. Here it is explained that this book is not neatly divided into chapters. The remedies come up when they are needed. Also, we are told here to try a mild remedy first, and then to try a stronger one. We are told to identify plants with their Latin names when we get them, whether it be from a store or by mail. The italicized words are in the glossary.

Next is Using Herbs Safely "Begin by using gentle, nourishing tonics. Use one herb at a time. Remember that crude herbs (as opposed to the refined extracts known as drugs) rarely cause fatal allergic reactions or severely disabling side effects." This is only some of what is presented here. She basically says to explore your surroundings, there are a lot of great herbs in your own back yard. She encourages the learning of one herb a day.

From here, we have sections, which as she has stated are not in any particular order. The remedies are presented as a problem would arise. Some remedies and ailments appear more than once as you may suffer, for instance, from Depression while you are pregnant, and after.

This section talks about fertility. In it we are presented with fertility promoters. Some of which contain Red Clover, Nettle Leaves, Red Raspberry Leaves, Dong Quai, and False Unicorn. With each of these herbs we are given its Latin name, its properties (vitamin content, etc), its uses (uterine tonic, regulate period, nourishing of liver, etc), and her suggested use. Just as an example, here is an excerpt of one of the herbs.

Red Rasberry Leaves All Rubus species, but most especially the wild ones, provide leaves which contain an effective uterine tonic and a large amount of calcium. Raspberry Leaf is my third choice as an herbal fertility promoter. It is most effective when combined with Red Clover. One or more cups of the infusion (prepared by steeping one half ounce Red Clover blossoms and one half ounce Raspberry Leaves in a quart of water for four hours) can be taken daily and continued for months. Another way to increase the fertility promoting ability of Raspberry is to add 5-15 drops of False Unicorn root tincture into each cup of Raspberry Leaf infusion.

This section also talks about Herbal Birth Control, Implantation Preventers, Menstrual Promoters (emmenagogues), and Uterine Contractors. As well, she discusses Teratogens which are substances that cause birth defects and should be avoided. Following this section is a list of references.

As this section is very long, and I do not want this review to be too boring, I will summarize. This section includes a compilation of herbs, tonics, infusions, and remedies for anything you can think of that would come up in pregnancy. For example, there are remedies for preventing morning sickness, for preventing miscarriages, and exercises for varicosities/hemorrhoids as well as tinctures and herbal remedies for bladder infections, Pre-eclampsia, and backaches. Again, anything that can come up, she has provided a remedy for it.

In this section we are given solutions to stalled labor (here's the sex part, orgasm is very good for bringing on contractions), breech presentation, false labor, premature rupture of membranes, and more. She addresses pain not only with herbs, but with meditations. She follows through to after birth problems like hemorrhaging and shock.

Reminding us of the great transition period we are now in, we are told to be gentle with ourselves. Given here are remedies for perineal tears, after-pains, and exhaustion. There are also herbs for helping with lactation, painful breasts, and sore nipples.

These are remedies for your child; No breath, Umbilical care, postpartum eye care, eye infections, rashes, jaundice, colic and all of the other fun things that can accompany a child into this world.

Provides information on how to make infusions, concoctions, and remedies It also talks about where to get the plants, whether it be ordering them, buying them or picking them yourself. Following this are two appendixes with a list of tonics and infusions and their ingredients. This is a recipe section.

I love this book. It was my saving grace throughout my pregnancy. As a matter of fact, a neighbor of mine was pregnant and late, and edgey. I consulted my trusty book, gave her some herbs and the suggested use, and what do you know, she went into labor the next day and had the baby.

Susun Weed has an amazing way of compiling wisdom not only of herbs, but of the power of being a woman. Scattered throughout the book are meditations and words of encouragement reminding women to take care of the power they have within them. It is inspiring and amazingly helpful.

This review is by Althea at epinions, who describes herself as Musician, Poet, Mother, Wife.

Illustration by Susun Weed (page 4)

Excerpt - Meeting the Plants (pp122-123)

Start by noticing the plants that live with you, along your driveway or sidewalk. Don't assume that medicinal plants are hard to find. Fennel, Pepper Grass, Dandelion, Plantain, and Mugwort (to name only a few) are as common in cities and suburbs as in the country.

Learn more about the weeds around you directly from the plants, from a personal guide, and from field guides and herbals.

When we open all our senses, including the psychic ones, to the green world, we learn to hear and understand plant language. Through shape, color, location, scent, texture. taste, and energy, plants tell us how they will affect our bodies, which plant parts we can use, and how we can prepare them. Some Wise Women converse with the plant fairies and devas. Some hear the song that each plant sings. Some feel the dances of the leaves, breezes, and insects. All are means of learning the ways of the herbs. Though the scientific tradition scoffs at such knowledge, the Wise Woman tradition honors the plant as the ultimate authority on its uses.

A personal guide into the plant world will show you plant features which ensure positive identification, such as the hairs on Wild Carrot which safely distinguish it from Poison Hemlock. A personal guide will introduce you to the foods, medicines, dyes, fibers, decorations, and delights hidden in common plants, and instruct you in wise harvesting and preparation. Check local garden clubs, botanical gardens, and nature centers for contacts with personal guides.

Field guides are indispensable references once your taste for herbal identification is whetted. I find the line drawings in the Peterson guides more helpful than color photographs when I have to distinguish between similar looking plants.

Herbals concentrate on the specifics of using plants as medicines and are rarely illustrated well enough to serve as a guide to identification. Field guides hardly ever include information on medicinal value. The link between your field guide and your herbal is the botanical binomial, or Latin name, of each plant. The binomial is (usually) consistent in all references, unlike common names which overlap and vary from region to region. Once you have identified a new plant, you can look it up by finding the binomial in herbals and other references. This can increase your confidence and ability to find and use safe herbal medicines.

My years of leading Weed Walks and helping people identify wild plants have showed me that learning to recognize herbs in the field is far easier, and much less fraught with danger, than most people realize. As Euell Gibbons is quoted as saying: "You won't learn all the plants at once; you learn them one at a time."

Even if you never pick your own herbs, knowing how the live plants look will be a great asset when you go out to buy them.

Critique from Readers:

(17 reviews - weighted average)

Reviewer: Samuel Richmond from Ohio
Last night I bought this book, along with another herbal guide, as my first real entrance into the study of herbs. "Wise Woman" is well organized, practical, and extremely easy to read for the uninitiated. I praise Ms. Weed for this invaluable resource and expect to refer to this book frequently in my upcoming pregnancy.

Reviewer: A reader from California
Really great book for people into alternative medicine and herbs. Full of lots of hard to find information about herbs and remedies to take and not take while pregnant. Also good pre and post pregnancy and baby info!

Reviewer: C. Goodell from Brooklyn Center, MN
My midwife recommended this book and it proved to be my favorite book during pregnancy. It was easy to read and offered advice in many issues of pregnancy and childbirth from fertility issues to infant problems. I was new to herbal medicine and found Weed's guidance easy to follow. This book, along with some raspberry leaf tea, would make a great gift for your pregnant friends.

Reviewer: from New Mexico
I got this book in my last month of pregnancy. My hopes where to find some help in getting labor started. My first child was two weeks late and it drove me nuts. I loved it I also had a problem with infertility and this gave me some good ideas to try next time. I loved it and the labor tips and herbal helpers worked well to ease the labor and seem to be much calmer than the first. Even if you don't think the herbal way is best this book is a must read for the pregnant woman/ couples. And the after care info is a goddess sent book of gold. The diaper rash treatments really work. And the nursing formula kept my milk flowing even when I had to go back to work and could not pump that much. Hope everyone enjoys the book as much as I did.

Reviewer: from Phoenix, Arizona
I found this book when my wife and I were first trying to have a baby. It has proven wonderful time in and time out; It contains more insights and knowledge than other books much larger and less well written. Susun's approach seems to be one of intuitive knowledge, rather than merely intellectual smarts, and that serves we readers so much better. Her explanations of tincture, syrup, and salve preparations are the simplest yet most effective I've found. I wish there was a "wise man herbal" out there, well maybe I'll have to write it for all us guys lacking M. Weed's way.A must for every pregnant woman.Realise that every drug is herbal based!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Reviewer: from Nederland, Colorado
I followed many of the recommendations for herbal relief of symptoms and found great relief in them. I believe the herbs and tinctures recommended in this book helped me achieve my goal of a non-medicated labor and delivery, and my postpartum was eased as well. It is my #1 favorite pregnancy book and I give it to all my friends with a bag of red raspberry leaf for their own infusions and uterine toning routine!



Wise Woman Herbal Series
Get all four of Susun S. Weed's best-selling herbal medicine books together and save 20%. The Wise Woman Herbal Series includes:
~ New Menopausal Years the Wise Woman Way (for Women 30-90)
~ Breast Cancer? Breast Health! The Wise Woman Way
~ Healing Wise
~ Wise Woman Herbal for the Childbearing Year ( in its 29th printing)
The total value of this offer is $59.80, Yours for $48.00 plus shipping.
Yes! I want to order the Wise Woman Herbal Series (click here).


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Extra Feature...

The True Story of How She Came to Be, How She Disappeared, and How She Returned

by Susun S Weed

In the beginning, everything began, as it always does, with birth. The Great Mother of All gave birth, and the Earth began to breathe. Again, and again, and again, the Great Mother gave birth. And the plants began to breathe and the animals began to breathe and the two-legged ones began to breathe. All forms of life began to breathe. To breathe, to live. In the air, on the land, in the water, and even in the fires of deep sulfurous vents where light never shines, all forms of life began to breathe. And they were all very hungry.

"What shall we eat?" they asked the Great Mother. "You eat me," she said with a smile. And they did. They ate of Her body. The plants sent their roots down into the earth and they ate of Her flesh and Her bones. The plants drank Her clear blood. From her deep springs, from her flowing waters, the plants ate. And they grew strong. And they gave birth. The grasses multiplied and rippled in the wind. Roots grew fat and juicy. And everywhere there were amazingly-shaped leaves, and flowers of many colors, and fruits wondrous to behold.

The animals ate Her. They did not eat Her flesh and Her bones as the plants did. They could not send their roots into Her, for they had legs and they moved about on the face of the Earth. Some of the animals ate of the grasses that grew from the Mother. Some of the two-legged ones ate the seeds of the grasses and the roots of the plants and their leaves. They ate and they ate and they ate. They began to give to birth, too. Soon there were many, many mouths eating the Mother. There were many, many feet stirring up the red dust of the Mother. There were many mouths to praise her abundance. And many mouths to feed.

"I am you and you are me. I am here for you to eat. Now eat me. Eat all of me." she urged them. And some of the animals ate Her flesh and Her bones in the form of the other animals. And some of the two-legged ones ate Her flesh and Her bones in the form of the animals. And her clear blood became red. And this red blood flowed in the bodies of the animals and the bodies of the two-leggeds who ate of the animals who ate of the plants who ate of Her. And the Great Mother was well pleased.

Now this red blood flowed in the bodies of the two-legged ones. It flowed in their bodies and it sang to them. This red blood sang to them of the endless wisdom of the Great Mother, and the endless dance of the moon, and the endless spiral of birth and life and death. And the ones who were round and full like the Mother felt the blood stirring in their bellies. The good red blood moved in their bellies and they were full of wonder, and they said to the Mother: "What shall we do with the red blood that moves so strongly in our bellies, Mother?" And she replied: "Give it to me. Return this blood to me. Nourish me. Allow me to replenish myself from your blood." And so they did.

Each month when the moon grew dark and disappeared, the blood began to flow from between the legs of some of the two-legged ones. From the wombs of the two-legged ones, the blood flowed: red and rich and nourishing. The red blood flowed into Her and she said: "You are me and I am you. Your blood is my blood. And my blood is yours. Forever and forever, we will nourish each other. And if you will keep holy the days of your bleeding, I will teach you all the secrets of the plants and the animals. And if you will keep holy the days of your bleeding, I will teach you all the secrets of Heaven and Earth." And so the women kept holy the days of their bleeding, and they grew wise in the ways of the plants, the ways of the animals, and the ways of Heaven and Earth.

And so it was for many, many turns of the Earth around the Sun. Until the change. No one really knows where it started. Like a small fire, at first it seemed harmless. The women were wise and they thought no harm could come to them. Were they not the very Earth herself? To harm a woman, was it not the same as harming the Mother? And who would be so foolish as to harm their own Mother? To harm the source of nourishment and comfort and strength?

Yet there were those who were so foolish. Deluded, they grew arrogant, and began to tell the story of creation in a strange way. They began to believe that a man gave birth to the Earth and to humans! They said that man was the source of all nourishment and wisdom. They said that man was the image of God, and that God was jealous, and angry, that God demanded pain and blood and despised the simple pleasures of the body, of the earth. They said that God lived above, not within the earth, that God lived in heaven and was above all life. They said that men were above all life, too. That man had dominion over all of life, over all of the Earth herself, to do with as he pleased.

Oh, how silly their stories were. Surely no one could believe such stories! Surely everyone could see clearly that woman was the source of life, and nourishment. Surely it was clear that the women's blood was the life of the Earth and the life of the people. And that the pleasure of the body was holy, was sacred, was good. That the Earth was alive, was our true Mother, and must be respected. That we are part of Her, dependent on Her for our very breath.

But, like a small fire left alone when the wind is blowing, the strange stories of God, of man as creator, grew and multiplied. The small fire of deceit rapidly became a raging storm, a storm that threatened all life. For the men began to say that the blood of women was bad, that women's moon time blood was dirty, unclean, even dangerous. They began to say that women themselves were dirty and dangerous. They began to say that the Earth was dirty and dangerous. They began to think of themselves as apart from the Earth, as separate from the Earth, as better than the Earth. They began to think of themselves as apart from women, as superior to women, as the master of women.

The women did their best to tend to the holy fires. The women did their best to keep the days of their bleeding sacred. The women did their best to teach their daughters how to learn from the plants and the animals and the Earth. And the women did their best to be true to the mysteries of the moon-time and the wisdom of the Great Mother.
But the men were lost. Without the wisdom of the women, alone and apart, the men forgot the ways of peace. They forgot that the Earth was their Mother. They forgot that all women were sacred. And they began to fight. At first they fought only among themselves. But soon the sickness spread and the men began to fight the women. They began to torture the women. They began to kill the women. They bound women's feet for this pain gave men pleasure.

They burned women at the stake for how dare any woman pretend to know the healing ways of the plants. They stoned women to death for it frightened them to see even the smallest bit of her holy flesh. They cut out the pleasure parts from between her legs for here was a power that seemed uncontrollable. And they told her, again and again, until she began to believe it was true, that she was not sacred, that she was not made in the image of God.

They men told each other that women were inferior, that the animals were inferior, and that the plants were inferior. Soon, puffed up with false pride, the men began to devise ways to use the women and the animals and the plants without respect for their power, without respect for their sacredness. The men began to believe that their view of the world was the only view of the world.

From one side of the Earth to the other, they abused the women and the plants and the animals. They used them without regard and kept them locked away. They ignored the cries of pain. They came to believe that women and plants and animals actually enjoyed being hurt. They confused some women so terribly that these women began to believe that they actually were dirty and in need of punishment. They tortured so many women that the wisdom of the women seemed to be the lie, and the lies of the men took on the trappings of truth.

But the Great Mother lives in every woman. In every place and every time, the Great Mother shows herself in the form of every living woman. "Eat me." she whispers in the dreams of the woman. And the woman throws off the bed covers and walks barefoot into the moonlit night. She is yearning. She feels a deep stirring in her belly. She looks at the moon and she fancies that she hears the moon speaking to her. "You are sacred. You are the beginning and the end of all existence. I am you and you are me. Keep sacred the days of your bleeding and I will share with you the wisdom of the plants and the animals and the very Earth."

Can she believe it is true? Dare she believe the truth of the words she seems to hear? All her life she has been told that she is not pretty enough, nor smart enough, not strong enough. Everything seems to tell her that she is too round, too emotional, too sensitive. And not sacred, in fact, the complete opposite of sacred. All the days of her life she has heard the stories of the wonders of man, the creator. She has heard it so often that it has the sound of truth: God is a man. God is all powerful, so men are all powerful (and women are weak). God is clean, so men are clean (and women are dirty). God is pure, so men are pure (and women are filth). God never bleeds from between his legs and men never bleed from between their legs (so the flowing blood of women is a sickness, a curse, a punishment). How can she believe that her blood is sacred? How can she allow herself to feel pleasure, to name it good, to name it holy? How can she dare to believe that she is the Goddess?

Yes, the Goddess! The Goddess who is alive in every woman, in every place, in every time. The Goddess who whispers in our dreams. The Goddess who smiles in our lives. The Goddess who stirs the blood in our bellies. The Goddess who knows that every woman is wise and powerful and sacred. The Goddess who calls to us: "Keep the days of your bleeding sacred. Remember that your blood is the blood of life, the blood of peace. Feed me your blood, your moon-time blood, oh my daughter, my lover. Feed me, for I hunger and I thirst for you.

"Return to me. Return to yourself. Remember yourself. Remember me. I am the Great Mother. I am the Goddess. I am the Wise Woman. Listen to my words. Listen to my song. I am in you, thus I can never be lost. My story is your story. And it is the true story of birth and life and death. Eat me. Feed me. You are woman and so am I. Through me, you exist; through you, I exist. We are the ones who create. We are the ones who nourish. We are the ones who open the gates between the worlds. We are the ones who must reclaim ourselves, who must reweave ourselves.

"Oh sister, dear sister, the threads are thin, the song is faint. Tell me it is not too late. Tell me that you hear me. Tell me that you believe me. Tell me that the Goddess has returned. Tell me you are listening to the plants and the animals and your own deep knowing. Tell me you are looking past the slick, simple lies and into the messy, complex truth. Tell me that you feel the red blood stirring in your belly.

"Tell me it is not too late. Tell me the sisters are awakening. Tell me the moonlodge is rebuilt. Tell me that the words of White Buffalo Calf Woman were not in vain. Tell me that Kwan Yin's heart is not breaking. Tell me that Venus is safe. Tell me that Artemis roams free in the woods. Tell me that Lilith is welcome at your table. Tell me that you remember that pleasure is holy to me. Tell me that you refuse to believe that you delight in pain.

"Tell me that you feel me reaching out to you from the deep core of your being, from time out of mind. Tell me that you feel me waking up inside you, waking you up to your beauty and your power. Tell me that you are reclaiming your truth and turning a deaf ear to the lies. Tell me that you remember that you are the Goddess. Tell me that you remember that you and I are the same. Tell me you keep sacred the days of your bleeding. Tell me you honor your crones.

"I have been with you since the beginning, and I will be with you at the end. I am part of you and you are part of me. Allow me to love you. Allow me to honor you. Allow me to return."

For permission to reprint this article, contact us at:


~RECIPE of the MONTH ~


Nettle Hair Tonic, Nettle Hair Lotion, Nettle Hair Rescue


Stinging Nettle Hair Tonic

Thickens hair texture, helps eliminate dandruff, aids in preventing hair
loss during chemotherapy and in restoring hair growth afterwards.

1/2 oz. dried nettle*
2 cups boiling water
1 Tbs. nettle root tincture
* leaf, stalk, and/or seed

Pour boiling water over nettle in jar, cover tightly and let sit overnight. Next morning, strain into a plastic bottle, and add tincture (optional). Keeps only a day or two. Use as a final rinse after shampoo and conditioner, leaving it in hair

Nettle Hair Lotion

Mild enough for everyday use.
To use: Pour a handful of nettle lotion on wet hair after shampooing.
Rub in well. For best results, don't rinse.

4 oz. fresh nettle or
1 oz. dried nettle
4 cups water
1/4 cup vinegar
3 drops rosemary or
3 drops lavender oil

Prepare infusion (see below) of nettle. Strain out plant material. Add oil and vinegar to infusion. Keep in refrigerator between uses.

Nettle Infusion: Place 1 oz. dried nettle into a quart/liter jar. Fill the jar to the top with boiling water, put the lid on and let it steep for at least four hours at room temperature.

Nettle Hair Rescue

To use: warm a teaspoon of oil and massage into scalp. Leave on overnight; wash out in the morning.
Finish with nettle hair lotion or tonic. Repeat weekly or as needed.

1 entire nettle plant:
leaves, stalks, seeds, root
2 cups oil (almond or olive)

Wash roots only of fresh harvested nettle. Snip entire plant into small pieces with scissors. Fill a jar with the pieces. Pour as much oil as possible into the nettle jar, poking and shaking to dislodge air bubbles. Steep in the closed jar for an entire moon cycle. Remove plant material.

These recipes are from Susun Weed's Healing Wise

NEW LINKS to check out...

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Sheep sorrel and nursing is it safe?
Oatstraw infusion increases sexual desire
So you want to study herbal medicine?
Six steps of healing for bladder kidney health
Flax seed oil goes rancid in five minutes!
Soy products should be avoided
Witch hazel eases hemorrhoid swelling
Comfrey leaves no problem; comfrey root, watch out
Low-fat diet can be causing sporadic periods
Our grandmothers had kids into their fifties!
Echinacea and yarrow help for bacterial vaginitis
Hysterectomy does not mean you need to take hormones

If you have a personal health question for Susun, she has a free hotline every Tuesday evening (from Mid-April to the end of October) from 7:30 to 9:30 EST - Call: 845-246-8081. NOTE: It is helpful if you have read Susun's article and books before calling her, as you will find answers to your preliminary question there and so Susun will be able to help you with more indepth questions you may have.

Legal Disclaimer: This content is not intended to replace conventional western medical treatment. Any suggestions made and all herbs listed are not intended to diagnose, treat,cure or prevent Any disease, condition or symptom. Personal directions and use should be provided by clinical herbalist or other qualified healthcare practitioner with a specific formula for you. All material on this website/Email is provided for general information purposes only and should not be considered medical advice or consultation. Always check with your personal physician when you have a question pertaining to your health and healthcare.

Sent: Sunday, November 04, 2001
Subject: Herbs and Nursing

My Dr. recently found a Lump in my breast. She wanted to wait until after my period to check and see if it had changed or gone away. I am not one to Sit around and wait for a "Dr. " to tell me the next step. I immediately bought your Breast Cancer? Breast Health! Book. I think it is wonderful and have added a few things to my diet that weren't already there. I eat a good Nutritious and healthy diet as well as use herbs. Although I have the Wise Woman Herbal for the Childbearing Years I recently moved and can't put my hand on it. I know it would answer many of the question I have and just can't remember. I was wondering about sheep sorrel and nursing is it safe? I am not quite ready to wean my 22 month old but know it may be something that could be a possibility. Could you give me your opinion on this situation? I Love your books and enjoyed your talk at the Wildgathering in MAINE last summer.

I would also like to know if you could recommend a good book on mushroom identification. I live in Maine and the white birches are plentiful up hear as you know. I would like to be using things around me. I know I am on the right track. Funny my only fear is the Dr.'s. I am taking my book with me on Wed. to the General surgeon. I have pages marked and tons highlighted. I have faith in myself and will not let a Dr. bully me into things I do not want done. Thank you so much for all of your Green Research! My next challenge will be over the next few visits and the Diagnosis. Even though I have a feeling I already know. Thank You

Sent: Friday, November 30, 2001
Subject: Re: Mushroom Identifier

Susun's Response:

Sheep sorrel in your salad OK, but not otherwise.

Was just with a mushroom expert who told us that all mushrooms that grow on trees and do not have gills (in other words, those that have pores) are safe to use and have immune enhancing properties. Good luck with your mushroom hunting. A person who knows your woods is better than a book. You could also try your cooperative extension for information on mushrooms in your state.

Green Blessings,
Susun Weed

Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2001
Subject: Menopause

Question: I am 61 and have a very low libido and vaginal dryness. Is there anything for these conditions that you recommend?

Sent: Friday, November 30, 2001
Subject: Re: oatstraw will increase sexual desire

Susun's Response:

Do you have my book on menopause? There is a chapter devoted to this. But you could also ask yourself if you have truly lost interest in sex or just in intercourse. My Rx for your problem would sound like this: first, you must have 7 orgasms a week whether you want them or not, preferably alone.

Second, you must not attempt intercourse until you have had at least one orgasm. Third, you must make a list of 100 sexual things to do besides intercourse.

Infusion (not tea, not capsules, not tincture) of oatstraw is well known for increasing sexual desire. It is safe to drink as much as a quart a day for as long as you wish.

Most of the postmenopausal women I talk to are interested in sex, but don't much care for intercourse anymore. Certainly true for me. After some minor sulking, my sweetheart got with the new program and we are both happy with our intimacies now. Hope this helps you.

Green Blessings,
Susun Weed

Sent: Monday, November 19, 2001
Subject: Who should I study with?

Thank you so much for your personal reply to my question! It was very helpful and thought-provoking. There's so much information out there, coming from so many different mind-sets--even among approaches to herbalism (I'm thinking here of your book Wise Woman Herbal Healing Wise), which I first read many years ago but still springs to my mind, with its vivid illustrations of the "heroic" approach to herbalism, for example.

Interestingly enough, you recommended that I toss the calcium supplements--which I just did, simply because they gave me such a terrible stomachache every time I took them!

I'm looking forward to seeing your new book, Healing Well. And I think I'll pick up a copy of your book on menopause for my mom (and sneak a peek at the appendix myself!).

One last question: right now I'm doing an herbal correspondence course through Michael Tierra's Planetary Herbology center. They seem to have lots of seminars and opportunities for hands-on experience, but (partly due to the limitations of their approach--such as suggested by your book, and by a book I have by Billie Potts called Witches Heal), I am really interested in doing work with other people/courses. If you know of any short-term courses I could attend, could you recommend them to me? Even if I can't come now, I'd like to know just for future reference, and for on-going study! I'm especially interested in experiencing and working with people (I can read books anytime and anywhere, but applying what I've read is a different matter!)

Thank you again for all your work! I admire your dedication.

Sent: Friday, November 30, 2001
Subject: Re: herbal courses

Susun's response:

Have you considered attending any of the wonderful herbal conferences offered in many places? There is the International Herb Symposium which will be held near Boston in June 2002 (I will be there), as well as the Women's Herbal Conference in August in New Hampshire, and Green Nations in the Catskills (I usually teach at both of these but have made other commitment for 2002). This is only the tip of the iceberg. There are lots of conferences to choose from.

And of course I should encourage you to at least dream of coming to the Wise Woman Center and spending a weekend or more with me. How about attending the Green Witch Intensive in July 2002? Or any of my other weekend offerings. Check out my 2002 schedule.

Other schools include Rocky Mt Center for Botanical Studies and California School for Herbal Studies. I believe my links page at my website has both of them. Maybe we'll get a chance to play together this year.

Green Blessings,
Susun Weed

Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2001
Subject: Re: Questions, comments, six steps of healing

Dear Susun,
Thank you very much for your reply and guidance. My real question to you was about bladder-kidney health. I have had the irritable bladder and infection problem in the past. At 28, I got a classic case of honeymoon cystitis.

There after I became more sensitive to coffee. Around the same time I started getting migraines every few months. After I had 2 boys in my early 30's (and successfully nursed them 21 & 16 months@) the migraines gradually became more frequent. I did have a cystoscopy done at age 40. No IC then. The urologist says an allergic-like reaction to coffee and the caffeine in Exedrin was too much, causing irritation and scar tissue in the urethra that he dilated, so the bladder could empty better. A series of crisis , 3 year ago, caused me to use any spare time to pray and meditate over this problem. I found it very helpful to have a piece of paper and pencil in front of me to write down everything that "came up". I stopped DISCOUNTING and paid attention to
my intuition! It took about 2 years because of family obligations, but the bottom line was stress, on a very subtle level. I constrict(one of the things I wrote was "pinched existence") ( I "ran into" a acupuncturist at an old mentor who referred me to a practice close by that I had been starring at. Saw a medical intuitive) I still do yoga-back-neck exercises, but also makeup my own stuff: My forehead and head won't relax until I focus on opening my 3rd eye and say "On a clear day I can see forever!" SO, like the Marriott hotel commercial when I'm comfortable I can do anything: Heal myself, if you can think it you can do it, travel at the speed of thought!

Now that I have a handle on the migraines, I hope I can fix the bladder-bloat problem. Last time I was ill my tummy was flat. I do have infusions and will take the time to brew them. Am hoping MSM will help scar tissue also. Sorry this is long but I also hope passing on my meditational method will help someone else.

Sent: Friday, November 30, 2001
Subject: Re: six steps of healing for bladder kidney health

Susun's response:

Thank you so much for clarifying and for sharing so much. It really helps me to get an idea of what is going on. And it seems like a lot is going on!

Glad you have the migraines under control. They can be a real bitch. It doesn't surprise me that the Excedrin aggravated your bladder problems. So relieved you don't need to rely on it so much these days.

My advice for healing your bladder is the same as it was before, so I have appended the info on the six steps of healing, with NEW INFO IN CAPS. If I still don't get it, you may need to tell me more.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
I suggest you work with the six steps of healing. You can use each step for a certain period of time and then go on to the next one is relief is not found, or you could do all at once, or you could do the first four steps (which build health) all at once.

The first four steps build health and can be done daily.
Step O = meditation, time alone, silence IS THIS IN THE PICTURE? WHAT

Step 1 = collect information on the possible reasons for your problem. This could include different forms of diagnosis (Western, Chinese, Auryuvedic) as well as networking with other women who have similar or the same problem HAVE YOU DONE THIS?

Step 2 = you are definitely doing; it includes prayer, and psychic work as you are doing with Carolyn Myss and your Unity church. It could however possibly be important for you to do symbolic, ritual work as well. YOUR HEADACHE-AWAY MEDITATION SOUNDS GREAT, AND HOPEFULLY WILL HELP OTHERS. DO YOU HAVE A SPECIFIC ONE FOR THE BLADDER DISTRESS?

Step 3 = Nourish yourself with nettle infusion (not tincture), whole grains, seaweed, medicinal mushrooms, healing soups and people who love you as you are. Very important here is for you to learn how to do Kegels and to do at least 100 of them several times a day. YOU DON'T MENTION KEGELS. THEY ARE CRITICAL FOR YOU. PLUS, YOU MAY WANT TO DRINK AT LEAST ONE GLASS OF UNSWEETENED CRANBERRY JUICE A DAY.

The next three steps counter problems but can erode overall health if done
daily for long periods of time.

Step 4 = Take herbal tinctures such as corn silk or uva ursi which improve bladder functioning; or yarrow or echinacea to counter infection. HAVE YOU TRIED ANY OF THESE? ALSO, YOU COULD TRY ELIMINATING ALL CAFFEINE AND WHITE SUGAR FROM YOUR DIET FOR AT LEAST SIX WEEKS.

Step 5 = Use drugs to counter the problem. SINCE IT IS A BLADDER IRRITANT,


Green Blessings,
Susun Weed

Sent: Saturday, November 24, 2001

Dear Susun,

My partner and I are having a baby. She read in your Wise Woman Herbal for the Childbearing Year book that flax seed oil is contraindicated for pregnancy.

Could you please tell me why? If it is related to estrogen, and therefore an issue in sexual organ development if the baby is a boy, then wouldn't it be safe to use it after 16 weeks?

Whatever you could tell me would be wonderful. Thank you very much.

Yours in dirt and plants and babies.

Sent: Friday, November 30, 2001
Subject: Re: flax

Susun's response:

My lipid chemist friends tell me that flax seed oil goes rancid within five minutes of being pressed. They say that any oil in a black bottle is ready to become rancid as soon as the bottle is opened; bad news. They grind flax seed immediately prior to using. Small amounts of flax seed should be OK during pregnancy, but the laxative effect could conceivably trigger a miscarriage. If you are comfortable taking an oil that can contribute to heart disease and cancer (due to rancidity), then you are fine. If not, then perhaps ground flax seed is a better choice.

Green Blessings,
Susun Weed


Sent: Saturday, November 24, 2001
Subject: soy milk/products

Susan, first I want to say hello and peace be unto you.

You said at a gathering that I attended that soy milk products are loaded with aluminum. Why is that the case? Is it the result of the production process?

Thank you for taking the time to respond.

Sent: Friday, November 30, 2001
Subject: Re: soy products are not "Real Food"

Susun's response:

The information on aluminum content in soy beverage comes from Sally Fallon and the Wise Traditions Foundation. I believe it is naturally in the soy. Perhaps that explains why tofu consumption among Japanese men is so closely tied to dementia (the more tofu they ate over their lives, the worse the dementia).

links for you

Of course, I have not told you much about the political problems, but they are even worse.

Real food for real people. What is real food? Real food contains no added ingredients.
Quick quiz
Which is real food: milk or soy beverage?
Which is real food: margarine or butter?
Which is real food: hamburger or soyburger?

Green Blessings,
Susun Weed

Sent: Saturday, November 24, 2001
Subject: A bothersome problem...

I have a question about a problem I have been having for a couple of years. Hemorrhoids have been an issue for me for about two years and I was wondering if there were any herbal remedies that you could recommend to me that could help this problem I have been having. Thank you and I really appreciate your help.

Sent: Monday, November 26, 2001
Subject: Witch Hazel reduces hemorrhoids

Susun's response:
You will find lots of remedies for hemorrhoids in my book Wise Woman Herbal for the Childbearing Year available from

In general, you could begin by avoiding all hot and spicy foods. Also, gently wiping the area with a cotton ball soaked in witch hazel is quite helpful to reduce swelling and inflammation. If they are big and bothersome, a sitz bath in comfrey leaf infusion could be a big help.

Green Blessings,
Susun Weed

Sent: Saturday, November 24, 2001
Subject: Comfrey

Dear Susan Weed,

I am a doctoral candidate at University of California at Davis. I am currently writing a review article on comfrey for a high impact peer reviewed scientific journal and need your help. My hope was to do a comprehensive and systematic review, but the journal (Trends in Pharmaceutical Sciences) only wants 1500 words and they want it to be a research news article. I think the idea is to explore the recent activities of the FDA and FTC in regards to comfrey by reporting on research from the last couple of years (of course there has been no current research).

I am contacting you because I recall an interview with you that Trinity published in their newsletter. You mentioned that you drink comfrey tea and I would like to find out more. In general, I am would like to talk to people that consume (or have consumed) comfrey internally and find out their intake levels and the reason for their comfrey consumption. Hopefully, someone like yourself would have a good idea about the prevalence of comfrey consumption. I begrudgingly admit that the FDA is correct in their assertion that there is no reliable body of evidence in the literature to establish safety or efficacy. However, I believe that we do have evidence in regards to the safety and efficacy of comfrey, it's just not in the literature yet. If we are going to rely on science to determine safety, a thorough benefit/risk assessment needs to be done. I believe the first place to start is with people that believe the benefits outweigh the risk.

Thanks a bundle. Be well.

Sent: Friday, November 30, 2001
Subject: Re: Comfrey leaves no problem; comfrey root, watch out

Susun's response:

What a tough task! More power to you, my dear.

I prepare my comfrey this way: I harvest the leaves and stalks when the plant is in flower and dry them thoroughly. I then weigh out one ounce of the dried plant, put it in a quart jar and pour boiling water to the top of the jar, cover tightly and steep for a minimum of four hours, usually overnight. I drink as much as two quarts a week and have been doing so for more than twenty years. I know hundreds of women who do the same. I can reassure you that they are all well. And this includes women who have gone through pregnancies and lactation while drinking their comfrey infusion.

There is a center in England -- the Henry Doubleday Research Association -- which says they have a group of people there who have been eating cooked comfrey leaves as a vegetable, the way you and I eat kale, for at least three generations. Perhaps you could find them and see what they say.

One other thing, the Northeast Herbalists Assn had three samples of comfrey leaf tested for PAs. Only one contained measurable amounts, and that was less than one part per billion; I believe the results were published in the NEHA newsletter. Rosemary Gladstar may know more about this.

In closing, note that one of the biggest mistakes non-herbalists make is to conflate parts of a plant and assume they are identical. Not so. You would not want to eat a pie made of rhubarb root or even the leaves, but the petioles are fine! I encourage you to clearly separate the information on comfrey root from the info on comfrey leaf. The two reports of death due to ingestion of comfrey that I know of were neonates whose moms used lavish amounts of comfrey root.

Let me know if I can be of any further help. And, if possible, I would love to receive a copy of your article as I am seriously contemplating including comfrey in my next book and your research would be an invaluable asset to me.

Green Blessings,
Susun Weed

Sent: Saturday, November 24, 2001
Subject: polycystic ovaries

Hi there - I was told I had polycystic ovaries when I was 16 and was put on the pill. From then until 21, I was on and off the pill. I got pregnant at 22, and had an abortion. Since then, my moons have been totally sporadic. I'm now 26 and have been trying to get pregnant. I've taken vitex tincture on and off for the past year but I sense I should be doing more. Do you have any recommendations?

Sent: Friday, November 30, 2001
Subject: Re: sporadic periods

Susun's response:

What is your diet like? Low fat diets could be causing sporadic periods.

Is your room dark when you sleep? Light at night can cause sporadic periods. You can read about this (it is called LunaCeption) in my book New Menopausal Years, now available at

How much vitex are you taking? In what form? I think tincture is best, and the dose needs to be quite large: a dropperful 2-4 times a day for several years is the usual recommended dose.

You may also want to ask my past apprentice, the midwife Sheri Winston, for a consultation. You can contact her through her website

Green Blessings,
Susun Weed


Sent: Sunday, November 25, 2001
Subject: healing journey

Dear Susun:
I have read and admired your work for many years and I thank you for it. I am ready, after many years of healing, to get pregnant. I am 42, I eat well and do a lot of yoga. I am more afraid of the doctors involved than of birthing itself. My question is:

Do you know of any midwives/herbalists near Tucson, Arizona? maybe this is arrogant but I need to have faith in my own body and don't like the "high risk" approach. It's not that I expect to have a home birth but I would like to stay as grounded as I can and use as much alternative support as I can find

Sent: Friday, November 30, 2001
Subject: Re: fertility after 40

Susun's response:

Of course you are young enough to have a baby with no fear. For goodness sakes, our grandmothers had kids into their fifties.

I don't know midwives in Arizona. Perhaps MANA (Midwives association of North America) would give you a referral. I agree that you need someone who will support you; not someone who will fill you with fear.

As for a home birth, why not? If you are as healthy and strong as I suspect, you are at less risk than an unhealthy teenager!! Envision what you want and don't settle for less.

I would be negligent if I didn't mention my great book Wise Woman Herbal for the Childbearing Year. Also, there is a new section on fertility after 40 in the recently released New Menopausal Years the Wise Woman Way. Both books are available from

For a sample: check out my article Feeling Frisky - Herbs for Fertility and Fertility After Forty

Green Blessings,
Susun Weed

Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2001
Subject: BV

Hello Susan, I am grateful for the opportunity to get your ideas regarding my ongoing problem. I have had BV (bacterial vaginitis) for almost one year and traditional therapies are not working. Do you have any plant recommendations? I have halfheartedly tried some infusions and propolis, but not with enough effort to reap any benefits. I am working on my underlying emotional issues regarding this problem but I would love some plant friends to help me along the way. I also want to avoid taking Flagyl, and that is the next route my doctor has suggested. Any info. would be greatly appreciated!!!

Sent: Friday, November 30, 2001
Subject: Re: down there help

Susun's Response:

The big antibacterial herb is echinacea. I use the tincture of the fresh root of E. purpurea or tincture of the dried or fresh root of E. augustifolia

A dose is one drop for every two pounds you weigh. (150 pounds = 75 drops) A dropperful is about 25 drops.

The dose can be taken 4-6 times a day for 10-14 days. In addition, I would do a sitz bath in water with apple cider vinegar in it once a day during the treatment.

Another useful antibacterial herb is yarrow. The tincture is used and a dose is about 25 drops 3-4 times a day. You could brew a quart of yarrow infusion and do a sitz bath in that, too.

Also, my past apprentice Sheri Winston does consultations on this kind of problem. You could visit her at

Green Blessings,
Susun Weed

Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2001
Subject: Estrace

Dear Ms. Weed,
Do you have any information on hormone replace for women like me who have had complete hysterectomies? I would rather not take estrogen, but my doctor says I need it for my bones. Does my body still make estrogen? I take .5 mg of Estrace each day.

Thank you for any help you can give me.

Sent: Friday, November 30, 2001
Subject: Re: hysterectomy does not mean you need to take hormones

Susun's Response:

I know dozens of healthy women who have had complete hysterectomies and who take no hormones of any kind. Your doctor only knows what school taught. You must take care of yourself: eat well and exercise daily. My yoga teacher is in her 60s; had a hysterectomy more than 30 years ago. No hormones ever and she is vital and healthy. One of my past apprentices took hormones for three years after her hysterectomy, then threw them away and says she has never felt better. She is in her middle age and her bones are fine. If you want, I could ask her if she would be willing to talk (e-mail or phone) with you.

Yes, your adrenals make estrogen, your fat cells make estrogen, and there are plenty of berries, seeds, roots, and herbs that can help you make the estrogen you need.

Green Blessings,
Susun Weed


Legal Disclaimer

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Susun Weed’s books include:

Wise Woman Herbal for the Childbearing Year
Author: Susun S. Weed. Simple, safe remedies for pregnancy, childbirth, lactation, and newborns. Includes herbs for fertility and birth control. Foreword by Jeannine Parvati Baker. 196 pages, index, illustrations.
Retails for $14.95
Order at:

Healing Wise
Author: Susun S. Weed. Superb herbal in the feminine-intuitive mode. Complete instructions for using common plants for food, beauty, medicine, and longevity. Introduction by Jean Houston. 312 pages, index, illustrations. Retails for $17.95

NEW Menopausal Years the Wise Woman Way

Author: Susun S. Weed. The best book on menopause is now better. Completely revised with 100 new pages. All the remedies women know and trust plus hundreds of new ones. New sections on thyroid health, fibromyalgia, hairy problems, male menopause, and herbs for women taking hormones. Recommended by Susan Love MD and Christiane Northrup MD. Introduction by Juliette de Bairacli Levy. 304 pages, index, illustrations.
Retails for $16.95
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Breast Cancer? Breast Health!

Author: Susun S. Weed. Foods, exercises, and attitudes to keep your breasts healthy. Supportive complimentary medicines to ease side-effects of surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, or tamoxifen. Foreword by Christiane Northrup, M.D. 380 pages, index, illustrations. Retails for $14.95

Susun Weed's Video & CD's:

Weeds to the Wise DVD Video
Visit Susun's farm for a weed walk. Hear her talk on the Three Traditions of Healing. Make infusion with her. Fun! (1 hour VHS video) Please note: this VHS video tape is in NTSC format which may not be compatible with video players outside of the USA and Canada. Retails for $29.95

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Susun Weed's "It's Time"
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Susun Weed, green witch and wise woman, is an extraordinary teacher with a joyous spirit, a powerful presence, and an encyclopedic knowledge of herbs and health. She is the voice of the Wise Woman Way, where common weeds, simple ceremony, and compassionate listening support and nourish health/wholeness/holiness. She has opened hearts to the magic and medicine of the green nations for three decades. Ms. Weed's four herbal medicine books focus on women's health topics including: menopause, childbearing, and breast health. Visit her site for information on her workshops, apprenticeships, correspondence courses and more! Browse the publishing site online at to learn more about her alternative health books. Venture into the NEW Menopause site to learn all about the Menopausal Years the Wise Woman Way.


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