Wise Woman Ezine with herbalist Susun Weed
May 2010
Volume 10 Number 5

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What's Inside Wise Woman Herbal Ezine this Month...


Wisdom Keeper...
The Infinite Unknown

by Sara Deutsch, M.S.



by Sara Deutsch, M.S., Wise Woman Mentor
Facilitator of CREATIVE AUTOBIOGRAPHY-Telling Your Story


The   Creative  Spirit  leads me  into  many worlds.   I’ve  trekked   alone in the Himalayas  and lived  naked in virgin jungles of Hawaii.  I’ve  been   scientist,   monastic in a mystic order artist and  teacher.    I seem to  learn  the  same  lessons wherever I  am:   to have faith in the unknown; to ride the  wave of the moment;  to let go of  the illusion  of control;    to plumb the depths of mind and emotion  without fear  or  judgment.   And  best of  all --to play!

Soon after I started taking cello lessons at the age of 7,  I began to tune my  strings to a new chord each morning--Bird calls, traffic, electronic hums, wind, rain on the roof... any sound of  the moment entered into  my  chord.  My cello teacher  gave up on me,  saying, "I cannot teach this child. She does everything her own way!"    The  unknown chord   was my way--my true teacher.   I  never knew what to expect when  I moved  from one string to another on the  fretless cello finger board.  Anything could happen!   I could not plan  or prepare or practice my response. The unknown chord taught me  to  ride the wave  of the moment   and  to hear unfamiliar sounds with  new ears,  just  as  they  are,  without judgment.  There is  no  mistake!

At  the age of   8,   I discovered that bathrooms have wonderful acoustics.  I would lie on my belly in the tub,  submerge  my  whole  face  in the  water  and  generate  sounds  through    my mouth or nose.   The  different chambers  in my mouth, throat,   nose,  sinuses,  and head  were  like  newly   discovered  rooms  in  an  infinite  mansion.   I   could  mold  strange and wonderful sounds  by  changing  the size and shape of  these inner chambers.   Overtones  transported  me  into  a reality beyond  time  or  space  where   I  rode  the  wave of  uncreated  sound.  

After many  years  in  the  academic  world,  I  left  my  doctoral  dissertation  in  psychobiology to  pursue  my   adventure with  the  Creative  Spirit.    In  an  ashram  on  Maui I   gathered  with  others  at  dawn  for  Chaotic  Meditation.   In  the dark  we    moved   and  emitted  random  sounds  for  10  minutes  without  stopping.   “Issha,  zszpbt,  horrimandidn,  pfftlllllttt,  grandgnet,  loooof,  llllit,  ansugggggg!  click,  cluck,  snaggzzz.......”   Whispers,  calls,  yells,  chants.   No  rules.   But you  couldn’t  stop  moving  or  making  random  sounds no matter what.    Chaotic  meditation  blasted through  my  barriers of  fear,   habit and  conformity.   Everyone  sounded  pretty much like  me in the  dark...so  I  wasn’t  crazy!   And  I  discovered  sounds,  movements  and  feelings  that  transported me  beyond  the  boundaries of  my  culture and  my  mind.   I  AM  MORE THAN  I KNOW!

Chaotic  meditation inspired me  to  create  gentler versions of the process--freeflow  writing,  toning,  painting,  energy drawings-- all  done  in  concentrated  5-minute  sessions.    I  remembered  how  to  paint  like  a  child--dripping,  splattering,  spraying,  rotating  pieces of  silk  in  large  frames.  What  will  happen  when  a  river of red flows into a pool  of  blue?     Sprinkling  salt crystals  on  layers of  wet  dye,  I  watched them   come  alive,  move  and grow.  Sometimes   they  created  schools  of  tiny  fish,  amoebas,  ghost  faces,  frost,  blossom  or  leaf  patterns  as  they  absorbed the  dye and  dried.     Painting  outside,  I  set  things up  and  choose the colors,  but   wind, sun,  water,  salt  and   gravity   did  the painting.    As  I  gave  up  the illusion of  control,  I  became  free to play.

The  computer became  a  mystic  friend  who  leads  me  into the  heart  of  nature.      When I rotate simple patterns,  like hand-written letters around a center, using a simple  painting  program,  all kinds of  patterns and fractals,  as seen in  flowers, plants,  shells,  water,  wind,  emerge.     Cyberalchemy   is  also   a  path   into the  mystery  of   my  inner life.      I  close my  eyes,   take  the  computer mouse  in  my  non-preferred   hand,   and  let my  energy  create  movement.   When I  release the mouse,  a  record of my  experience  leaps into being in   the  colors  of  the  moment.  The  titles  of  these  quick  daily  paintings   reveal  their  meaning  for me:  “Stimulus”,  “Alone”,  “Emergence”, “Fool”,  “Jagged Energy”,”Help me!”,   “Birth”....

My  scanner is   a  time machine   connecting  me  with  memories,  feelings and  wisdom  from  the past!   A  mandala made  from multiple  images of  my   my father  who  died  when  I  was  seven  and  my  4-year-old self  potently   concentrated  his   presence and   intensified my  memories  and  feelings about him.   As  I created this  new,   empowering pattern,  I  transformed  some of the   loss and insecurity evoked by his death.   I  brought  his  power and  support  into  my  present.    Later  I created  a  spiral  superimposing   childhood,  adolescent and mature  images  of  myself  to  help   me  remember  who  I  am  beyond  all  the  changes:

The Creative  Spirit   beckons me:
Go  further.  Go  beyond  the  curtain,
Go  backstage where the  technicians and artists
 of the inner theater create the show.
Go  deeper.  Go to the core.  Go to the  center.
Where the sap of  creation flows thick and  steady.

Go on!  Go  on!  Nothing to cling to.
Nothing to  grab.
Flow  down the  stream singing of the  moment
that comes once and dies..
Of  the moment  that  comes and dies,
comes and dies..
Waves in the ocean,  blinks in the eye,
yods of the light of  eternity...

I  am  that!  I  am  that!

(from a  5-minute  freeflow writing session,‘96)

Sara  Deutsch, M.S.,(Ph.D.abd) is a  psychotherapist,  multi-media artist, and teacher who uses writing,  mandalas,  dreamwork, painting, collage, toning and free improvisational music,  as doorways to our infinite unknown self, for healing and  transformation.

mailto:saramuse@verizon.net;  http://www.wisewomanuniversity.org/deutsch/


Creative Autobiography: Telling Your Story
taught by Mentor: Sara Deutsch

Autobiography is a gift of memory we give ourselves, and a priceless heirloom that can be passed down to family members. Come on a guided journey into your past to recover the buried treasures of your memories and the tastes, sounds, feelings, images, and wisdom of your life. Five minute, whole-brain techniques, such as free-flow writing, mind mapping, drawings, imagery and collage, will dissolve any writing blocks so you can tell your story as vignettes, short stories, myths, poems, fables, or even as chapters in your novel...

Sign up for this Class

About the Mentor: Sara Deutsch, M.S., (Ph.D.abd) draws from doctoral study in psychology, psychobiology, east/west Psychology, years in a contemplative order, cross-cultural adventures, multimedia explorations, and 25 years of teaching Creative Autobiography.



Plant Spirit Healing:
A Guide to Working with Plant Consciousness

Plant Spirit Healing: A Guide to Working with Plant Consciousness
by Pam Montgomery & Stephen Harrod Buhner

A hands-on approach to working with the healing powers of plant spirits. Paperback: 248 pages

• Explores the scientific basis underlying the practices of indigenous healers and shamans
• Illuminates the matrix where plant intelligence and human intelligence join
• Reveals that partnering with plants is an evolutionary imperative

Price: $16.00

Order Plant Spirit Healing in our Bookshop




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